Tutorial by Topics: to

acf_add_options_page( $args ); acf_add_options_sub_page( $page ); ParameterDetails$args(mixed) A string for the page title, or an array of settings. If left blank, default settings will be used.$page(mixed) A string for the page title, or an array of settings. If left blank, default setting...
The Bottom Navigation View has been in the material design guidelines for some time, but it hasn’t been easy for us to implement it into our apps. Some applications have built their own solutions, whilst others have relied on third-party open-source libraries to get the job done. Now the design su...
Refactoring refers to the modification of existing code into an improved version. Although refactoring is often done while changing code to add features or fix bugs, the term particularly refers improving code without necessarily adding features or fixing bugs.
.NET Framework provides implementation of many cryptographic algorithms. They include basically symmetric algorithms, asymmetric algorithms and hashes.
In VFP, operators are grouped into those: Numeric Operators Logical Operators Character Operators Date and Time Operators Relational Operators Also there are operators, implemented as functions (such as bitwise operations, object comparison ...). We will look into each by example.
CentOS versions download: here "The CentOS Linux distribution is a stable, predictable, manageable and reproducible platform derived from the sources of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). Since March 2004, CentOS Linux has been a community-supported distribution derived from sources freely p...
When creating tables make sure to pay attention to the choice of attributes for the partition and sort keys. See the published guidelines for working with tables.
At its simplest, CreateObject creates an instance of an object whereas GetObject gets an existing instance of an object. Determining whether an object can be created or gotten will depend on it's Instancing property. Some objects are SingleUse (eg, WMI) and cannot be created if they already exist...
This section provides an overview of what google-cloud-datastore is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within google-cloud-datastore, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for google-cloud-datastore is new, you may need to c...
For more in profiling go programs visit the go blog.
ParamDetailsObject(Object) The JSON objectReplacer(Function | Array<string | number> - optiotinal) filter Function | ArraySpace(Number | string - optional) Amount of white space in the JSON
The Vector3 structure represents a 3D coordinate, and is one of the backbone structures of the UnityEngine library. The Vector3 structure is most commonly found in the Transform component of most game objects, where it is used to hold position and scale. Vector3 provides good functionality for perfo...
References: akka.io/docs Check out my blog: https://blog.knoldus.com/2016/08/07/supervision-and-monitoring-in-akka/
Protocols and Delegates are two related but different concept: A Protocol is a interface a class can conforms to, meaning that class implements the listed methods. A Delegate is typically an anonymous object that conforms to a protocol. The application of Delegate called Delegation is a design ...
The Cassandra Driver from Datastax very much mirrors the Java JDBC MySQL driver. Session, Statement, PreparedStatement are present in both drivers. The Singleton Connection is from this question and answer: http://stackoverflow.com/a/24691456/671896 Feature wise, Cassandra 2 and 3 are identical...

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