Tutorial by Topics

This section provides an overview of what com is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within com, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for com is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related topics.
This documentation details how to use the different components of the Xamarin Forms ListView
Hot to read and write data to a bluetooth low energy device. Some important points No capabilities are needed. iPhone store bytes in Little Endian format, so check if bluetooth accessory use Little Endian too. Example: intel CPU usually use little endian. The ARM architecture was lit...
Core Data is the model layer of your application in the broadest sense possible. It's the Model in the Model-View-Controller pattern that permeates the iOS SDK. Core Data isn't the database of your application nor is it an API for persisting data to a database. Core Data is a framework that manages...
NPM module that builds Windows installers for Electron apps. It will help to create single EXE for Electron windows application Install Globally npm install -g electron-winstaller Install Locally npm install --save-dev electron-winstaller Config NameDescriptionappDirectoryThe authors ...
The internet of thing (IOT) is the inter-connected of physical devices such as power plug, temperature sensors. These devices attached network module (Wifi, 3G or 4G) can extend the connectivity to internet. A bidirectional communication can be established once the device connected. The devices ...
This section provides an overview of what selenium-ide is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within selenium-ide, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for selenium-ide is new, you may need to create initial versions of tho...
Design patterns are general solutions to problems that frequently occur in software development. The following are templates of standardized best practices in structuring and designing code, as well as examples of common contexts in which these design patterns would be appropriate. Structural desig...
Event buses are a useful way of communicating between components which are not directly related, i.e. Have no parent-child relationship. It is just an empty vue instance, which can be used to $emit events or listen $on the said events. export default new Vue() Use vuex if your applicat...
Spending most of the time on terminal can be a big deal for eyes. Wisely choosing color scheme can benefit your eyes in many ways. Recently I ran into Solarized ColorScheme for Vim. Adding this small plugin can make a big difference on text appearance on terminal. Many thanks to Ethan Schoonover for...
iOS 10 gave us UserNotifications.framework, the new API for local/remote notifications. It offers viewing media attachments or responding to messages right from the notification. Notification content consists of: title, subtitle, body and attachment. Attachment can contain images/gifs/videos up t...
This section provides an overview of what talend is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within talend, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for talend is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related topics....
AIDL is Android interface definition language. What? Why? How ? What? It is a bounded services. This AIDL service will be active till atleast one of the client is exist. It works based on marshaling and unmarshaling concept. Why? Remote applications can access your service + Multi Threading....
To extract or uncompress a tarball, ZIP, or gzip file, Python's tarfile, zipfile, and gzip modules are provided respectively. Python's tarfile module provides the TarFile.extractall(path=".", members=None) function for extracting from a tarball file. Python's zipfile module provides the Zi...
In this topic you will explore two approaches to conditionally hiding tabs on data entry screens in Acumatica.

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