Tutorial by Topics

These classes are reference libraries of methods and properties that do not change state, in one word, immutable. You don't need to create them, you simply use them. Classes and methods such as these are called static classes because they are not created, destroyed, or changed.You can refer to a sta...
by.css('css-selector') by.id('id') by.model('model') by.binding('binding') ParameterDetailscss-selectorA css selector like '.class-name' to select the element on the base of class nameidId of the dom elementmodelModel used for dom elementbindingName of the binding which is used to bound t...
Android Marshmallow introduced Runtime Permission model. Permissions are categorized into two categories i.e. Normal and Dangerous Permissions. where dangerous permissions are now granted by the user at run time. From sdk 23 Android requires runtime permissions for permissions on devices runni...
AVSpeechSynthesizer() // Creates a speech synthesiser speaker.speakUtterance(speech) // Converts the text to speech ParameterDetailsspeakerAVSpeechSynthesizer objectspeechAVSpeechUtterance object
All algorithms are a list of steps to solve a problem. Each step has dependencies on some set of previous steps, or the start of the algorithm. A small problem might look like the following: This structure is called a directed acyclic graph, or DAG for short. The links between each node in ...
Many programming languages use sockets to communicate across processes or between devices. This topic explains proper usage the the sockets module in Python to facilitate sending and receiving data over common networking protocols. ParameterDescriptionsocket.AF_UNIXUNIX Socketsocket.AF_INETIPv4...
Routing is how ASP.NET MVC matches a URI to an action. Routing module is responsible for mapping incoming browser requests to particular MVC controller actions. MVC 5 supports a new type of routing, called attribute routing. As the name implies, attribute routing uses attributes to define routes. A...
POSIX style, end of word: [[:>:]] POSIX style, start of word: [[:<:]] POSIX style, word boundary: [[:<:][:>:]] SVR4/GNU, end of word: \> SVR4/GNU, start of word: \< Perl/GNU, word boundary: \b Tcl, end of word: \M Tcl, start of word: \m Tcl, word boundary: \y Portable ER...
Random number generation in C++ is provided by the <random> header. This header defines random devices, pseudo-random generators and distributions. Random devices return random numbers provided by operating system. They should either be used for initialization of pseudo-random generators or...
import {component} from 'libName'; // Will import the class "component" import {component as c} from 'libName'; // Will import the class "component" into a "c" object import component from 'libname'; // Will import the default export from libName import * as lib fr...
ParameterDescriptiontitleThe UIBarButtonItem titlestyleThe style of the UIBarButtonItemtargetThe object to receive the UIBarButtonItem actionactionThe selector (method) to be performed when the UIBarButtonItem is pressed Referencing self.navigationItem assumes that the UIViewController is embedde...
This code will turn off the capability for a user to hold down the Shift key when opening a database to skip the default form opening and allow the user access to the Navigation Pane and VB Editor. In DB’s that you do not want users to have access to either of these (along with disabling the use ...

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