Tutorial by Topics

(define (name arguments ...) body) (function arguments ...)
C# 7.0 is the seventh version of C#. This version contains some new features: language support for Tuples, local functions, out var declarations, digit separators, binary literals, pattern matching, throw expressions, ref return and ref local and extended expression bodied members list. Official re...
Code contracts allow for compile or runtime analysis of pre/post conditions of methods and invariant conditions for objects. These conditions may be used to ensure callers and return value match valid states for application processing. Other uses for Code Contracts include documentation generati...
JMeter is a Load-Testing Tool used for Performance Testing. A Performance Tester can record actions in a web browser or manually build a script which can then be run with hundreds or thousands of users. JMeter can be used to create incredibly dynamic users and scenarios using its various elements...
Wildfly is a Java EE compliant application server. As an application server, its main purpose is to provide a set of tools that Java enterprise applications usually need, such as support for EJBs, JPA, Servlets, JAX-RS, Batch, Security, Transactions, ... Wildfly is the upstream project used by ...
MPI is a standard for communication among a group of distributed (or local) processes. It includes routines to send and receive data, communicate collectively, and other more complex tasks. The standard provides an API for C and Fortran, but bindings to various other languages also exist. Ver...
macro name(ex) ... end quote ... end :(...) $x Meta.quot(x) QuoteNode(x) esc(x) Julia’s metaprogramming features are heavily inspired by those of Lisp-like languages, and will seem familiar to those with some Lisp background. Metaprogramming is very powerful. When used correctly, it ...
Description The AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) is a unified tool to manage your AWS services. With just one tool to download and configure, you can control multiple AWS services from the command line and automate them through scripts. The AWS CLI introduces a new set of simple file commands ...
A “varargs” method argument allows callers of that method to specify multiple arguments of the designated type, each as a separate argument. It is specified in the method declaration by three ASCII periods (...) after the base type. The method itself receives those arguments as a single array, w...
Aspnet core is built with Dependency Injection as one of its key core concepts. It introduces one conforming container abstraction so you can replace the builtin one with a third-party container of your choice. IServiceCollection.Add(ServiceDescriptor item); IServiceCollection.AddScoped(Type ...
There will come a time where your CakePHP application will need to query more than one database. The method for requesting Models from non-default databases is not present in the official documentation.
Let's clear up some misconceptions that beginners might make. You may have encountered functions such as: max :: (Ord a) => a -> a -> a max m n | m >= n = m | otherwise = n Beginners will typically view max :: (Ord a) => a -> a -> a as function that takes t...
Be careful to be aware of the type of cv::Mat you are dealing with. For example, if you have a cv::Mat of type CV_8UC3, but access it with image.at<uchar>(r,c) no error will occur, but your program will have some unexpected behavior.
ParametersDetailsmanagerCLLocationManager referenceregionCLRegion could be circular region (geofence or beacon region)beaconsArray of CLBeacon contains all ranged beacons Beacons are IOT objects. We are focusing on those which conform to iBeacon protocol a Apple standard. Each beacon is a one...

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