Tutorial by Topics

From a storage perspective, an XML document is made of entities. One of the entities is the document entity, which is the main XML document itself. Entities can be classified like so (tentatively sorted by descending order of usage): document entity: this is the main XML file. internal genera...
This document describes the basic behaviour of an operator.
javap [options] <classes> NameDescription<classes>List of classes to disassemble. Can be in either package1.package2.Classname format, or package1/package2/Classname format. Do not include the .class extension.-help, --help, -?Print this usage message-versionVersion information-v...
The ' symbol used in the macroexpand example is just syntactic sugar for the quote operator. You could have written (macroexpand (quote (infix 1 + 2))) instead. Macros are just functions that run at compile time, i.e. during the eval step in a read-eval-print-loop. Reader macros are anothe...
XPath 1.0 doesn't have the concept of a default namespace. Also, the namespace prefixes defined in the original XML document do not affect XPath - namespace prefixes have to be explicitly registered with the XPath provider, otherwise prefixes can't be used at all in the XPath expression.
:: is a shorthand a namespace-qualified keyword. E.g. if we are in the namespace user: ::foo is a shorthand for :user/foo #: or # - map-literal syntax for qualifying keys in a map by a namespace Clojure spec is a new specification/contracts library for clojure available as of version 1.9. ...
This section demonstrates a variety of ways to interact with PowerPoint through VBA. From showing data on slides to creating charts, PowerPoint is a very powerful tool when used in conjunction with Excel. Thus, this section seeks to demonstrate the various ways VBA can be used to automate this i...
It is possible to install other libraries following, this approach, however, there might be a need to specify the module type, main file, and default extension. 'lodash': { format: 'cjs', defaultExtension: 'js', main: 'index.js' } 'moment': { main: 'moment.js' } ...
This topic outlines some basic naming conventions used when writing in the C# language. Like all conventions, they are not enforced by the compiler, but will ensure readability between developers. For comprehensive .NET framework design guidelines, see docs.microsoft.com/dotnet/standard/design-guid...

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