Tutorial by Topics

docker run [OPTIONS] IMAGE [COMMAND] [ARG...]
To use any of std::map or std::multimap the header file <map> should be included. std::map and std::multimap both keep their elements sorted according to the ascending order of keys. In case of std::multimap, no sorting occurs for the values of the same key. The basic differen...
While not required, constructors in Java are methods recognized by the compiler to instantiate specific values for the class which may be essential to the role of the object. This topic demonstrates proper usage of Java class constructors. The Java Language Specification talks at length about ...
Lambda-List(format DESTINATION CONTROL-STRING &REST FORMAT-ARGUMENTS)DESTINATIONthe thing to write to. This can be an output stream, t (shorthand for *standard-output*), or nil (which creates a string to write to)CONTROL-STRINGthe template string. It might be a primitive string, or it might con...
docker rm [OPTIONS] CONTAINER [CONTAINER...] docker attach [OPTIONS] CONTAINER docker exec [OPTIONS] CONTAINER COMMAND [ARG...] docker ps [OPTIONS] docker logs [OPTIONS] CONTAINER docker inspect [OPTIONS] CONTAINER|IMAGE [CONTAINER|IMAGE...] In the examples above, whenever container ...
Data in the world started to grow tremendously after mobile application came in the market. This huge amount of data became almost impossible to handle with traditional relational database - SQL. NoSQL databases are introduced to handle those data where much more flexibility came like variable n...
ViewPager is a Layout manager that allows the user to flip left and right through pages of data. It is most often used in conjunction with Fragment, which is a convenient way to supply and manage the lifecycle of each page. One important thing to note about ViewPager usage is that there are tw...
In MongoDB 3.0, MMAP (default) and WiredTiger are the stable storage engines. Usually, if your app is read-heavy, use MMAP. If its write-heavy, use WiredTiger. Your solution may also have a mixed replica set members where you can have one node configured with MMAP and another with WiredTiger. Yo...
Notification.requestPermission(callback) Notification.requestPermission().then(callback, rejectFunc) new Notification(title, options) notification.close() The Notifications API was designed to allow browser access to notifying the client. Support by browsers might be limited. Also suppo...
As with other relational database systems, SQL Server exposes metadata about your databases. This is provided through the ISO Standard INFORMATION_SCHEMA schema, or the SQL Server-specific sys catalog views.
![Alt text](/path/to/img.jpg) ![Alt text](/path/to/img.jpg "Optional title") ![Alt text][id] ... intervening content ... [id]: /path/to/img.jpg "Optional title" The syntax for images is the same as that for links, but with an exclamation mark ! in front o...
thread() thread(thread&& other) explicit thread(Function&& func, Args&&... args) ParameterDetailsotherTakes ownership of other, other doesn't own the thread anymorefuncFunction to call in a seperate threadargsArguments for func Some notes: Two std::thread obje...
resource curl_init ([ string $url = NULL ] ) bool curl_setopt ( resource $ch , int $option , mixed $value ) bool curl_setopt_array ( resource $ch, array $options ) mixed curl_exec ( resource $ch ) void curl_close ( resource $ch ) ParameterDetailscurl_init-- Initialize a cURL sessionurl...
The ByteBuffer class was introduced in java 1.4 to ease working on binary data. It's especially suited to use with primitive type data. It allows the creation, but also subsequent manipulation of a byte[]s on a higher abstraction level byte[] arr = new byte[1000]; ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuff...

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