Tutorial by Topics: application

In iOS 10 Apple is extending the scope of privacy control. User need to ask the use permission before access the user private data in following key :Calendar,Contact,Reminder,Photo,Bluetooth Sharing,Microphone , Camera ,Location,Heath,HomeKit ,MediaLibrary,Motion,CallKit,Speech Recognition, SiriKit...
We know that spring-boot by default runs using H2 database. In this article, we will see how to tweak the default configuration to work with MySQL database. As a pre-requisite, make sure that MySQL is already running on port 3306 and has your database created.
Whenever you have a problem in your code, it is always a good idea to know what is going on inside. The class System.Diagnostics.Debug in .Net Framework will help you a lot in this task. The first advantage of the Debug class is that it produces code only if you build your application in Debug mode...
When creating a performant and data-driven application, it can be very helpful to complete time-intensive tasks in an asynchronous manner and to have multiple tasks running concurrently. This topic will introduce the concept of using ThreadPoolExecutors to complete multiple ansynchronous tasks concu...
If you use the objects in other applications as part of your Visual Basic application, you may want to establish a reference to the object libraries of those applications. This Documentation provides a list, sources and examples of how to use libraries of different softwares, like Windows Shell, Int...
Most examples found for F# WPF programming seem to deal with the MVVM pattern, and a few with MVC, but there is next to none that shows properly how to get up and running with "good old" code behind. The code behind pattern is very easy to use for teaching as well as experimentation. It i...
Dagger 2, as explained on GitHub, is a compile-time evolution approach to dependency injection. Taking the approach started in Dagger 1.x to its ultimate conclusion, Dagger 2.x eliminates all reflection, and improves code clarity by removing the traditional ObjectGraph/Injector in favor of user-spec...
Elastic Beanstalk is a Cloud PaaS provider (Platform as a Service), meaning applications can be deployed to the platform without the fuss of manually setting up a deployment environment. Java applications are easily deployable to Elastic Beanstalk both via web interface or via command-line tools. ...
Zxing library is well known for image processing. Zxing was based on java and .Net module is also available and it can be used in xamarin applications. click here to check official documentation. http://zxingnet.codeplex.com/ I recently used this libarry. Step1: Add ZXing.Net.Mobile component int...
SCENARIO: ASP.NET Core background Angular 2 Front-End Angular 2 Components using Asp.net Core Controllers It way can implement Angular 2 over Asp.Net Core app. It let us call MVC Controllers from Angular 2 components too with the MVC result View supporting Angular 2.
Now from iOS 10.3 , there is no need to navigate application to apple store for rating/review. Apple has introduced SKStoreReviewController class in storekit framework. In which developer just need to call requestReview() class method of SKStoreReviewController class and the system handles the entir...
Pax Exam allows testing of bundles within an OSGi container (e.g. AEM, Apache Karaf). Pax Exam is usually used in conjunction with JUnit.
First we need to know what a MessageBox is... The MessageBox control displays a message with specified text, and can be customised by specifying a custom image, title and button sets (These button sets allow the user to choose more than a basic yes/no answer). By creating our own MessageBox we can...
Remember CodeIgniter is a development Framework. It doesn't strive to make you're application secure. It merely gives you the tools to do it yourself. If you look at CI's Security page, it pretty clear they are expecting the developer to understand Application Security and build it into their applic...
This will discuss how to change the environment so when someone types rails s they boot in not development but in the environment they want.
The basic idea behind dynamic programming is breaking a complex problem down to several small and simple problems that are repeated. If you can identify a simple subproblem that is repeatedly calculated, odds are there is a dynamic programming approach to the problem. As this topic is titled Applic...

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