Tutorial by Topics: cat

Strict Mode is a special class introduced in Android 2.3 for debugging. This developer tools detect things done accidentally and bring them to our attention so that we can fix them. It is most commonly used to catch the accidental disk or network access on the applications’ main thread, where UI ope...
Download latest Artifact from Artifactory repository using shell script.
If you use the objects in other applications as part of your Visual Basic application, you may want to establish a reference to the object libraries of those applications. This Documentation provides a list, sources and examples of how to use libraries of different softwares, like Windows Shell, Int...
Most examples found for F# WPF programming seem to deal with the MVVM pattern, and a few with MVC, but there is next to none that shows properly how to get up and running with "good old" code behind. The code behind pattern is very easy to use for teaching as well as experimentation. It i...
Dagger 2, as explained on GitHub, is a compile-time evolution approach to dependency injection. Taking the approach started in Dagger 1.x to its ultimate conclusion, Dagger 2.x eliminates all reflection, and improves code clarity by removing the traditional ObjectGraph/Injector in favor of user-spec...
I2C is a communication protocol that can make two or more Arduino boards talk to each other. The protocol uses two pins - SDA (data line) and SCL (clock line). Those pins are different from one Arduino board type to another, so check the board specification. The I2C protocol set one Arduino board ...
This topic is intended to demonstrate various patterns and practices available to modify base data views in Acumatica.
Elastic Beanstalk is a Cloud PaaS provider (Platform as a Service), meaning applications can be deployed to the platform without the fuss of manually setting up a deployment environment. Java applications are easily deployable to Elastic Beanstalk both via web interface or via command-line tools. ...
This function returns all categories as an array of the current post or page or the designated post or page. get_the_category( $id ) ParameterDetails$id(int) (Optional) default to current post ID. The post ID. Please note that get_the_category() returns an array, which means that you c...
A linkage specification tells the compiler to compile declarations in a way that allows them to be linked together with declarations written in another language, such as C. extern string-literal { declaration-seq(opt) } extern string-literal declaration The standard requires all compil...
The intent of this topic to demonstrate some basic MIDI programs that show how to operate with the protocol and progressively add useful features that more complex applications require.
To quote from @SnoringFrog's topic-creation request: "One of the biggest gotchas using sed is scripts that fail (or succeed in an unexpected way) because they were written for one and not the other. Simple run-down of the more major differences would be good." macOS uses the BSD ver...
iOS 10 gave us UserNotifications.framework, the new API for local/remote notifications. It offers viewing media attachments or responding to messages right from the notification. Notification content consists of: title, subtitle, body and attachment. Attachment can contain images/gifs/videos up t...

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