Tutorial by Topics: co

The null coalescing operator (??) has been added as syntactic sugar for the common case of needing to use a ternary in conjunction with isset(). It returns its first operand if it exists and is not NULL; otherwise it returns its second operand.
Tmux configurations goes in a file called .tmux.conf in home directory. ie, ~/.tmux.conf
Create Database
ccapndave/elm-update-extra is a fantastic package which helps you handle more complex updating functions, and may be very useful.
The configuration file contains information which Protractor uses to run your test script. Here I'll try to give a few different variations.
This example shows how to create a basic express app and then serve AngularJS.
This section describes how central (iOS app) can scan available BLE peripherals and connect with one we are interested in.
It is sometimes useful to get the maven properties, such as the current version, in code. Here are some ways to to it.
Per Google documentation: "Interface to global information about an application environment. It allows access to application-specific resources and classes, as well as up-calls for application-level operations such as launching activities, broadcasting and receiving intents, etc." More si...
I'd like to describe the prerequisites and the steps how to build the Perl CPAN module sapnwrfc with the Strawberry Perl environment under Windows 7 x64. It should work also for all later Windows versions like 8, 8.1 and 10. I use Strawberry Perl 64 bit but it should also work with older v...
The arrival of Java 9 brings many new features to Java's Collections API, one of which being collection factory methods. These methods allow for easy initialization of immutable collections, whether they be empty or nonempty. Note that these factory methods are only available for the following int...
Coercion happens in R when the type of objects are changed during computation either implicitly or by using functions for explicit coercion (such as as.numeric, as.data.frame, etc.).
Am new to Mule and wanted to share how to connect to Database and retrieve Values.
Higher Order Components ("HOC" in short) is a react application design pattern that is used to enhance components with reusable code. They enable to add functionality and behaviors to existing component classes. A HOC is a pure javascript function that accepts a component as it's argument...
This topic is to briefly describe how C# or VB .NET Managed code can be scripted and utilised within a PowerShell script. This topic is not exploring all facets of the Add-Type cmdlet. For more information on the Add-Type cmdlet, please refer to the MSDN documentation (for 5.1) here: https://msdn.m...
Activity recognition is the detection of a user's physical activity in order to perform certain actions on the device, such as taking points when a drive is detected, turn wifi off when a phone is still, or putting the ring volume to max when the user is walking.
How to write good, readable SQL queries, and example of good practices.

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