Tutorial by Topics: color

color: #rgb color: #rrggbb color: rgb[a](<red>, <green>, <blue>[, <alpha>]) color: hsl[a](<hue>, <saturation%>, <lightness%>[, <alpha>]) color: colorkeyword /* green, blue, yellow, orange, red, ..etc */
For more information on this topic, see the WWDC 2015 talk Protocol-Oriented Programming in Swift. There is also a great written guide on the same: Introducing Protocol-Oriented Programming in Swift 2.
contrast(<reference-color>, <output-for-light-refcolor>, <output-for-dark-refcolor>, <threshold>) lighten(<reference-color>, <amount>, <method>) darken(<reference-color>, <amount>, <method>) ParameterDetailsreference-colorThe colo...
tput queries the terminfo database for terminal-dependent information. From tput on Wikipedia: In computing, tput is a standard Unix operating system command which makes use of terminal capabilities. Depending on the system, tput uses the terminfo or termcap database, as well as looking into ...
As I was struggling with this more than once, and the web isn't really clear on what to do, I decided to take what's out there, adding some of my own in order to explain how to create subplots which have one colorbar and they are scaled according to it. I have tested this using latest Matlab but I'...

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