Tutorial by Topics: components

ParameterDetails=For using two-way data binding. This means that if you update that variable in your component scope, the change will be reflected on the parent scope.<One-way bindings when we just want to read a value from a parent scope and not update it.@String parameters.&For callbacks i...
in ember-concurrency the extra setting of error is a work around to prevent thrown exceptions from bubbling up to Ember's onerror (since it is meant to be handled in the template). There is a feature request to handle this better.
React.createClass was deprecated in v15.5 and expected to be removed in v16. There is a drop-in replacement package for those that still require it. Examples using it should be updated.
In Component(s): props is an array of string literals or object references used to pass data from parent component. It can also be in object form when it is desired to have more fine grained control like specifying default values, type of data accepted, whether it is required or optional data h...
One way binding from parent component to nested component: [propertyName] One way binding from nested component to parent component: (propertyName) Two-way binding (a.k.a banana box notation) : [(propertyName)]
For more information, visit the official documentation located at http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/, where the component list is derived from.
Components allow reusable controls/widgets represented by their own view (template) and viewmodel. They were added in Knockout 3.2. Inspired by WebComponents, Knockout allows Components to be defined as Custom Elements, allowing the use of more self-explanatory markup.
There are a total of 3 cases of communication between React components: Case 1: Parent to Child communication Case 2: Child to Parent communication Case 3: Not-related components (any component to any component) communication
Stateless functional components in React are pure functions of the passed in props. These components do not rely on state and discard the use of component lifecycle methods. You may, however, still define propTypes and defaultPropts. See https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/reusable-components....
Ionic has a lot of great ready declared CSS components to make your life easier while coding your next hybrid mobile application. These components vary from a basic grid system to styling your forms. These components are in your use if you choose to install Ionic with the pre-set CSS stylesheets. ...
When you use a web component in your Angular 2 template, angular will try to find a component with a selector matching the custom tag of the web component - which it of course can't and will throw an error. The solution is to import a "custom elements schema" in the module that holds th...
<component> is a reserved component element, don't be confused with components instance. v-bind is a directive. Directives are prefixed with v- to indicate that they are special attributes provided by Vue.
Often times we have to create some components which perform some actions/operations on data and we require that in the parent component. Most of the times vuex would be a better solution, but in cases where the child component's behavior has nothing to do with application state, for instance: A rang...
The angular-cli tool can help you to scaffold different parts of an angular application (components, directives, pipes, services, classes, guards, interfaces, enums and modules). ng generate [component | directive | service | pipe | class | enum | interface | guard | module] [name] [flags...] ...

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