Tutorial by Topics: cts

Immutable objects have fixed state (no setters), so all state must be known at object creation time. Although not technically required, it is best practice to make all fields final. This will make the immutable class thread-safe (cf. Java Concurrency in Practice, 3.4.1). The examples show severa...
Subject<T, R> subject = AsyncSubject.create(); // Default AsyncSubject Subject<T, R> subject = BehaviorSubject.create(); // Default BehaviorSubject Subject<T, R> subject = PublishSubject.create(); // Default PublishSubject Subject<T, R> subject = ReplaySubject.create();...
Making API requests with Angular 2 Http service and RxJS is very similar to working with promises in Angular 1.x. Use the Http class to make requests. The Http class exposes the methods for issuing HTTP requests GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH, HEAD requests via corresponding methods. It also expo...
typedef struct { typeA propertyA; typeB propertyB; ... } StructName In Objective C, you should almost always use an object instead of a struct. However, there are still cases where using a struct is better, such as: When you're going to be creating and destroying a lot of values of the (...
public static GameObject Find(string name); public static GameObject FindGameObjectWithTag(string tag); public static GameObject[] FindGameObjectsWithTag(string tag); public static Object FindObjectOfType(Type type); public static Object[] FindObjectsOfType(Type type); Which method to...
A text object in Vim is another way to specify a chunk of text to operate on. They can be used with operators or in visual mode, instead of motions.
SELECT [ALL | DISTINCT] select_expr, select_expr, select_expr, …. FROM table_reference [WHERE where_condition] [GROUP BY col_list] [HAVING having condition] [ORDER BY col_list] [LIMIT n]
abstract identifier(underyling type) { ... } abstract identifier(underlying type) from typeA from typeB ... to typeA to typeB { ... } An abstract type is a compile-time type which resolves to the underlying type at run-time. This means that thee abstract type does not exist in the source c...
Contract.Requires(Condition,userMessage) Contract.Requires(Condition,userMessage) Contract.Result<T> Contract.Ensures() Contract.Invariants() .NET supports the Design by Contract idea via its Contracts class found in the System.Diagnostics namespace and introduced in .NET 4.0....
# Package a build directory pack [PATH] # Use a specific generator cpack -G [GENERATOR] [PATH] # Provide optional overrides cpack -G [GENERATOR] -C [CONFIGURATION] -P [PACKAGE NAME] -R [PACKAGE VERSION] -B [PACKAGE DIRECTORY] --vendor [PACKAGE VENDOR] CPack is an external tool allowing...

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