Tutorial by Topics: de

Operators are listed top to bottom, in descending precedence. Operators with the same number have equal precedence and the same associativity. :: The postfix operators: [] () T(...) . -> ++ -- dynamic_cast static_cast reinterpret_cast const_cast typeid The unary prefix operators: ++ -- * ...
browser.pause() browser.debugger() This section explains how we can debug protractor tests.
The Elvis operator evaluates based on Groovy-Truth of the condition-part.
db.collection.createIndex({ <string field> : <1|-1 order> [, <string field> : <1|-1 order>] }); Performance Impact: Note that indexes improve read performances, but can have bad impact on write performance, as inserting a document requires updating all indexes. ...
MSSQL Syntax: DROP DATABASE [ IF EXISTS ] { database_name | database_snapshot_name } [ ,...n ] [;] MySQL Syntax: DROP {DATABASE | SCHEMA} [IF EXISTS] db_name DROP DATABASE is used for dropping a database from SQL. Be sure to create a backup of your database before dropping it to prevent ...
For more information on the Window object, please visit MDN. The window.stop() method is not supported in Internet Explorer.
Important thing to remember when debugging cordova apps, if you have an OnDeviceReady event and code that executes there, by the time the app launches, your debugger will still not be attached(unlike say Visual Studio C# debugging where application waits for the debug process to attach before cont...
var MyModel = Backbone.Model.extend(properties, [classProperties]); // Create a custom model var model = new Backbone.Model([attributes], [options]); // Instanciate a model object ParameterDetailspropertiesInstance properties.classPropertiesOptional. Properties that exist and are shared wit...
ParameterDetailsexprIn case the "try part" was completed successfully tryCatch will return the last evaluated expression. Hence, the actual value being returned in case everything went well and there is no condition (i.e. a warning or an error) is the return value of readLines. Note that ...
No matter what linter you choose every JavaScript Project should use one. They can help find error and make code more consistent. For more comparisions check out comparison JavaScript linting tools

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