Tutorial by Topics: de

There are two general ways of specifying HOW Entity Framework will map POCO classes to database tables, columns, etc.: Data Annotations and Fluent API. While Data Annotations are a simple to read and understand, they lack of certain features such as specifying the "Cascade on Delete" b...
Higher Order Functions are functions that take functions as parameters and/or return functions as their return values.
ParameterDetailstargetThe class being decorated
Although there is no official Rust style guide, the following examples show the conventions adopted by most Rust projects. Following these conventions will align your project's style with that of the standard library, making it easier for people to see the logic in your code. The official Rust...
Sails comes installed with a powerful ORM/ODM called Waterline, a datastore-agnostic tool that dramatically simplifies interaction with one or more databases. It provides an abstraction layer on top of the underlying database, allowing you to easily query and manipulate your data without writing v...
If models are correctly related you can easily load related data using EntityFramework. You have three options to chose from: lazy loading, eager loading and explicit loading. Models used in examples: public class Company { public int Id { get; set; } public string FullName { get; set...
infix [integer] ops infixl [integer] ops infixr [integer] ops Declaration componentMeaninginfixrthe operator is right-associativeinfixlthe operator is left-associativeinfixthe operator is non-associativeoptional digitbinding precedence of the operator (range 0...9, default 9)op1, ... , opn...
Official Documentation: Detecting Common Gestures

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