Tutorial by Topics: de

NUI : A natural user interface (NUI) is a system for human-computer interaction that the user operates through intuitive actions related to natural, everyday human behavior. Kivy is a Python library for development of multi-touch enabled media rich applications which can be installed on different d...
The gltf-model component allows to use 3D models in the glTF format with A-Frame. glTF is a Khronos standard for efficient, full-scene 3D models and is optimised for usage on the web. <a-entity gltf-model="url(https://cdn.rawgit.com/KhronosGroup/glTF-Sample-Models/9176d098/1.0/Duck/gl...
reactive, reactiveValue and eventReactive are various kinds of reactive expressions in Shiny. They yield output which can be used as input in other expressions, which will in turn take a dependency on the reactive expression. observe and observeEvent are similar to reactive expressions. The big dif...
<Vendor Namespace> - Here namespace of the vendor custom theme or inbuilt theme namespace I.E. Magento/Luma Here luma is vendor namespace <language package directory> - Here language package directory like en_us or nl_nl or en_gb <language package description> - Here...
These examples are for documenting CSS-specific design patterns like BEM, OOCSS and SMACSS. These examples are NOT for documenting CSS frameworks like Bootstrap or Foundation. These examples are for documenting CSS-specific methodologies / design patterns. These methodologies include but are...
After installing perforce and setup your workspace through p4v, you could set up your workspace in Windows cmd.
It is often useful to present a first-run experience to new users of your App. This could be for any number of reasons, such as prompting them to sign in (if required for your situation), explaining how to use the App, or simply informing them of new features in an update (as Notes, Photos and Music...
This topic will cover the creation of R packages from scratch with the devtools package. Official R manual for creating packages roxygen2 reference manual devtools reference manual
Removing old data from dynamodb using a date attribute. My use case: removing old data from dynamodb using a date attribute. Important things to know: You can't query a table with using only range key attribute (date for example). You can only query a table using hash or hash+range key. ...
How to generate, edit and use ecto models in the phoenix frameworks.
CodeIgniter provide auto initialized Output class which is very useful for creating API and differents type of documents output like .pdf, .csv, .image, etc... NOTE :- Codeigniter default document type is HTML change it to application/json, API must be required type of json
This document shows how to create a cluster of TensorFlow servers, and how to distribute a computation graph across that cluster.
Is It Dead Yet? The History of the Web-Game It’s the mid-2000s. It’s raining. You and your friends had big plans for the day, but you’re now stuck in your tiny apartment. There’s only a bed, an empty bookshelf, your wardrobe and your desktop in the room. I guess there’s only one thing to do: load up...
Factors To Consider When Upscaling Your Programming Or Web Development Business Good news: your programming or web development company has taken on so many clients that you have decided to scale up your operation. Perhaps you are thinking of renting a new space, hiring new staff, and seeking new col...

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