Tutorial by Topics: do

Insert an image into an MS Word document shapes such as Rectangles and ovals. This documentation assumes you know how to insert an image into a word document, open and close a word document using OpenXML
First we need to know what a MessageBox is... The MessageBox control displays a message with specified text, and can be customised by specifying a custom image, title and button sets (These button sets allow the user to choose more than a basic yes/no answer). By creating our own MessageBox we can...
The OpenXML document markup standard is an XML based format which enables solutions on many software platforms and operating systems.
Includes pymongo query examples to filter documents by timestamp encapsulated in ObjectId
:vglobal or :v is the opposite of :global or :g that operates on lines not matching the specified pattern (inverse).
We can secure the data in Hadoop using different methods. Each method has its own advantages. We can also combine more than one method for better result. This topic covers the advantages & limitations of each method 1. Kerberos is a network authentication protocol: a. Advantage: Authentic...
This topic focuses on how to get valac running on Windows.
In respect of ionic2 the constructor: in simple terms we use it to create instance of our plugins, services etc. for example: You have a page(view) where you want to show the list of all students, and you have a json file that contains all the students (this file is your data file) what you have to ...
If you want to use the <includeAll> tag in your changelog and expect it to find the relative changelog through the classloader of your wildfly application server, you may hit some issue as the Virtual file system wildfly uses produces URLs that are not properly processed by the ClassLoaderReso...
Deleting documents from a Lucene index is easy when you have a primary key field in your document (like in traditional SQL databases). However, sometimes deleting a number of documents based on multiple fields in the document is what you need. The Lucene API allows you to achieve this by specifying...
This Documentation describe how to build a three node Mongo replica set using Docker Image and auto provisioned using Chef.
Notification channels enable us app developers to group our notifications into groups—channels—with the user having the ability to modify notification settings for the entire channel at once.In Android O this feature is introduced.Right now it is available developers preview. class Notificatio...
A challenge that every developer and development team faces is environment consistency. Laravel is one of the most popular PHP frameworks today. DDocker, on the other hand, is a virtualization method that eliminates “works on my machine” issues when cooperating on code with other developers. The two...
The basic thing to remember here is that debugging a Hadoop MR job is going to be similar to any remotely debugged application in Eclipse. A debugger or debugging tool is a computer program that is used to test and debug other programs (the “target” program). It is greatly useful specially for a Ha...

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