Tutorial by Topics: edit

Inline editing allows users to very quickly modify and update the data for a particular record without having to load the entire record on a page, edit the form, then save the record. NetSuite developers have a corresponding functionality called submitFields. The submitFields functionality is provi...
The function allows user to load stylesheets for the TinyMCE editor add_editor_style( $stylesheet ) ParameterDetails$ stylesheet(array or string) (Optional) Stylesheet name or array thereof, relative to theme root. Defaults to 'editor-style.css'
You can use document.body.contentEditable = true or document.designMode = 'on' to edit content in browser.
When dealing with objects in an MVC app, if any object should be shown in multiple places with the same format, we'd need some kind of standardized layout. ASP.NET MVC has made this kind of standardization easy to do with the inclusion of display and editor templates. In short, display and editor te...

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