Tutorial by Topics: ee

Simply place this code as a Public Module that can be called by any other procedure. When calling the code, add in the name of the table you want to look up within the parenthesis. The Code returns a True/False value on whether or not a table already exists. This is helpful when needing to dete...
Deep Learning is a sub-field of machine learning where multi-layer artificial neural networks are used for learning purpose. Deep Learning has found lots of great implementations, e.g. Speech Recognition, Subtitles on Youtube, Amazon recommendation, and so on. For additional information there is a ...
Sources The examples above are from lecture notes frome a lecture which was taught 2008 in Bonn, Germany. They in term are based on the book Algorithm Design by Jon Kleinberg and Eva Tardos:
Ajax uses the HTTP Protocol and can send requests using POST/GET methods from Client to Server. WebSocket is itself a protocol to communicate between Client and Server, distinct from HTTP. In Ajax when you send a request , server sends response for that request and connection ends. Using WebSocke...
Examples on how to save the created Excel sheet to the Disk or send it to the Browser.
How to style Cells with font types, background color, border styles etc.
This document outlines how you can easily add some existing Camera Controls to your scene, as well as provide guidance on creating custom controls. Note, the pre-made control scripts can be found in the /examples/js/controls folder of the library.
Often you need to execute commands under a different user or get root privileges. Those options allow you to become another user in the guest system. become: can be set to true or yes and triggers the user escalation settings. become_user: set to the desired user in the remote host. become_metho...
Batch and bash are quite different. Batch flags are indicated with a /, while bash flags use a -. Capitalization matters in bash, but (almost) not at all in batch. Batch variable names can contain spaces, bash variable names can not. Ultimately, both are ways of manipulating and interacting wit...
In the System.Speech assembly, Microsoft has added Speech Synthesis, the ability to transform text into spoken words. SpeechSynthesizer speechSynthesizerObject = new SpeechSynthesizer(); speechSynthesizerObject.Speak("Text to Speak");
.bash_profile, .bash_login, .bashrc, and .profile all do pretty much the same thing: set up and define functions, variables, and the sorts. The main difference is that .bashrc is called at the opening of a non-login but interactive window, and .bash_profile and the others are called for a login she...
A customization of the Android RangeSeekBar proposed by Alex Florescu at https://github.com/anothem/android-range-seek-bar It allows to define a step value (increment), when moving the seek bar 1- Add the increment attribute in attrs.xml <attr name="increment" format="integ...

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