A customization of the Android RangeSeekBar proposed by Alex Florescu at https://github.com/anothem/android-range-seek-bar
It allows to define a step value (increment), when moving the seek bar
1- Add the increment attribute in attrs.xml
<attr name="increment" format="integer|float"/>
2- Define a default value in RangeSeekBar.java and create the attribute also
private static final int DEFAULT_INCREMENT = 1;
private int increment;
3- Init the increment value in private void init(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)
if (attrs == null)
increment = a.getInt(R.styleable.RangeSeekBar_increment, DEFAULT_INCREMENT);
4- Define the increment value in protected synchronized void onDraw(@NonNull Canvas canvas)
You'll have to replace the minText and maxText value. So instead of :
You'll have : int x;
x = (int) ((getSelectedMinValue().intValue()+increment)/increment);
x = x*increment;
if (x<absoluteMaxValue.intValue())
minText = ""+x;
x = (int) ((getSelectedMaxValue().intValue()+increment)/increment);
x = x*increment;
maxText = ""+x;
5 - Now you just have to use it. Hope it helps