Tutorial by Topics: eval

eval(expression[, globals=None[, locals=None]]) exec(object) exec(object, globals) exec(object, globals, locals) ArgumentDetailsexpressionThe expression code as a string, or a code objectobjectThe statement code as a string, or a code objectglobalsThe dictionary to use for global variable...
XPath expressions are used to navigate and select one or more nodes within an XML tree document, such as selecting a certain element or attribute node. See this W3C recommendation for a reference on this language.
CTFE is a mechanism which allows the compiler to execute functions at compile time. There is no special set of the D language necessary to use this feature - whenever a function just depends on compile time known values the D compiler might decide to interpret it during compilation. You can also ...
eval "source" eval "source", binding eval "source", proc binding.eval "source" # equal to eval "source", binding ParameterDetails"source"Any Ruby source codebindingAn instance of Binding classprocAn instance of Proc class
object.instance_eval 'code' object.instance_eval 'code', 'filename' object.instance_eval 'code', 'filename', 'line number' object.instance_eval { code } object.instance_eval { |receiver| code } ParameterDetailsstringContains the Ruby source code to be evaluated.filenameFile name to use f...
Table valued parameters (TVP for short) are parameters passed to a stored procedure or function that contains data that is table structured. Using table valued parameters requires creating a user defined table type for the parameter being used. Tabled valued parameters are readonly parameters. ...
The function parse convert text and files into expressions. The function eval evaluate expressions.
By default, Safari does not enforce HTML5 element validation. You need to override this manually using other means.
For more detail, see Property and Item Evaluation Order on the MSDN documentation page Comparing Properties and Items.
This is supposed to explain the evaluation order as unambiguously as possible. It is probably less ideally suited as an introduction to Mathematica execution. It builds on Mathematica's tutorial/Evaluation page by explaining the order in which different rules are applied and explaining which funct...
To build a dynamic and interactive PHP program, it is useful to output variables and their values. The PHP language allows for multiple methods of value output. This topic covers the standard methods of printing a value in PHP and where these methods can be used. Variables in PHP come in a var...
In JavaScript, the eval function evaluates a string as if it were JavaScript code. The return value is the result of the evaluated string, e.g. eval('2 + 2') returns 4. eval is available in the global scope. The lexical scope of the evaluation is the local scope unless invoked indirectly (e.g. var ...
The EVALUATE statement is a multiple branch, multiple join, conditional test and selection structure.
Entity Stores information about the type of the data being stored. In the case of Magento this is customer, product, category, etc. Attribute The individual properties of each of the entities, e.g. name, weight, email address etc. Value The value of a given entity and attribute. For example, ...
At certain points, you will be evaluating a range of data and you will need to locate the duplicates in it. For bigger data sets, there are a number of approaches you can take that use either VBA code or conditional functions. This example uses a simple if-then condition within two nested for-next l...
You can use hierarchical queries to retrieve data based on a natural hierarchical relationship between rows in a table
Dplyr and many modern libraries in R use non-standard evaluation (NSE) for interactive programming and standard evaluation (SE) for programming1. For instance, the summarise() function use non-standard evaluation but relies on the summarise_() which uses standard evaluation. The lazyeval library m...

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