Tutorial by Topics: file

Param/FunctionDescriptionfile-uploadname of the file <input> field$sampleNamecould also be dynamically generated string or the name of the file uploaded by the userapp_path()is Laravel helper to provide the absolute path to the applicationgetCLientOriginalExtension()Laravel wrapper to fetch t...
child_process.exec(command[, options][, callback]) child_process.execFile(file[, args][, options][, callback]) child_process.fork(modulePath[, args][, options]) child_process.spawn(command[, args][, options]) child_process.execFileSync(file[, args][, options]) child_process.execSync(command[,...
@RequestPart(String, String, boolean) ParameterDetails@RequestPartThis annotation specifies that a parameter should be mapped to a given request part. The part name must match the name of the method parameter, unless you choose to provide it as an argument to @RequestPart. If the part name i...
The CollectionFS package has been shelved and discontinued by it's author; however, since there's no alternative package in Atmosphere or the Meteor ecosystem for using Mongo's GridFS functionality, and the code still works perfectly fine; we recommend not removing the example from StackOverflow D...
Comments are used to show information in a batch script. REM &REM :: &:: Goto :Label Comments. You can also use |>< ,etc. :Label
Dockerfiles are files used to programatically build Docker images. They allow you to quickly and reproducibly create a Docker image, and so are useful for collaborating. Dockerfiles contain instructions for building a Docker image. Each instruction is written on one row, and is given in the form &l...
Note about XML syntax: As the record is made inside of XML file, you can not leave any tag unclosed as you could in a plain HTML, like: <link rel='stylesheet' href="..." >, Close the link tag instead, like: <link rel='stylesheet' href="..." /> Possible ...
One of the main useful features of gnuplot is the possibility of plotting data files. Plotting a data file is really simple with gnuplot, actually, once you have opened the software from the terminal, you only need to digit the command plot 'file' to get an automatic plot. First of all, before plot...
paramdescriptionmodemode to open file, default=w+bdeleteTo delete file on closure, default=Truesuffixfilename suffix, default=''prefixfilename prefix, default='tmp'dirdirname to place tempfile, default=Nonebuffsizedefault=-1, (operating system default used)
for /l %%p in (startNumber, increment, endNumber) do command for /f %%p in (filename) do command for /f %%p in ("textStrings") do command for /f %%p in ('command') do command for /r drive:\path %%p in (set) do command for /d %%p in (directory) do command The for command acce...

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