Tutorial by Topics: filters

{{ my_date_time|my_custom_filter }} {{ my_date_time|my_custom_filter(args) }} ParameterDetailsvalueThe value passed in by Jinja, to be filteredargsExtra arguments to be passed into the filter function
This extension filters data by either validating or sanitizing it. This is especially useful when the data source contains unknown (or foreign) data, like user supplied input. For example, this data may come from an HTML form. mixed filter_var ( mixed $variable [, int $filter = FILTER_DEFAULT ...
Vue.filter(name, function(value){}); //Basic Vue.filter(name, function(value, begin, end){}); //Basic with wrapping values Vue.filter(name, function(value, input){}); //Dynamic Vue.filter(name, { read: function(value){}, write: function(value){} }); //Two-way ParameterDetailsnameString - ...
add_action( tag, function_to_call, priority, num_of_args ); add_filter( tag, function_to_call, priority, num_of_args ); ParameterExplanation$tag(string) (Required) The name of the action to which the $function is hooked.$function(callable) (Required) Requires a string containing the functio...
Filter declaration: <filter id="filter-id"> ...list of child primitives ... </filter> Apply filter via SVG attribute: <elementname filter="url(#filter-id)" ... /> Apply filter via CSS property: (-prefix-)filter: url("#filter-id"); Element ...
Dart filters lists through the List.where and List.retainWhere methods. The where function takes one argument: a boolean function that is applied to each element of the list. If the function evaluates to true then the list element is retained; if the function evaluates to false, the element is remov...

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