Tutorial by Topics: graph

plot(Y) plot(Y,LineSpec) plot(X,Y) plot(X,Y,LineSpec) plot(X1,Y1, X2,Y2, ..., Xn,Yn) plot(X1,Y1,LineSpec1, X2,Y2,LineSpec2, ..., Xn,Yn,LineSpecn) plot(___, Name,Value) h = plot(___) ParameterDetailsXx-valuesYy-valuesLineSpecLine style, marker symbol, an...
font: [font-style] [font-variant] [font-weight] font-size [/line-height] font-family; font-style: font-style font-variant: font-variant font-weight: font-weight; font-size: font-size; line-height: line-height; font-family: font-family; color: color; quotes: none|string|initial|inherit; f...
Bosun Templates can include graphs to provide more information when sending a notification. The graphs can use variables from the alert and filter base on the tagset for the alert instance or use the GraphAll function to graph all series. When viewed on the Dashboard or in an email you can click o...
The WebCrypto APIs are usually only available on "secure" origins, meaning that the document must have been loaded over HTTPS or from the local machine (from localhost, file:, or a browser extension). These APIs are specified by the W3C Web Cryptography API Candidate Recommendation. ...
See also I/O for geographic data
A graph is a collection of points and lines connecting some (possibly empty) subset of them. The points of a graph are called graph vertices, "nodes" or simply "points." Similarly, the lines connecting the vertices of a graph are called graph edges, "arcs" or "line...
The Facebook Graph API is one of the most useful tools available to app developers today. It is used to integrate Facebook functionality such as login or retrieving photos, friends and other data one might need from Facebook into one's own app.
Python, being one of the most popular languages in computer and network security, has great potential in security and cryptography. This topic deals with the cryptographic features and implementations in Python from its uses in computer and network security to hashing and encryption/decryption algor...
ParameterDetailspreda TensorFlow tensor of type boolfn1a callable function, with no argumentfn2a callable function, with no argumentname(optional) name for the operation pred cannot be just True or False, it needs to be a Tensor The function fn1 and fn2 should return the same number of outputs...
Quitting the application on window close It's easy to forget to quit the application when the window is closed. Remember to add the following line. frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); //Quit the application when the JFrame is closed
Modern cryptography is the cornerstone of computer and communications security. Its foundation is based on concepts of mathematics such as number theory, computational-complexity theory, and probability theory. Cryptography deals with the securing of digital data. It refers to the design of mecha...
For a manually-formatted bibliography, there is no need to have citations - \cite - within the document. ParameterDetailthebibliographyThis environment sets the scope for the actual bibliography. It defines a list-like environment within which you can use \bibitem to set a bibliography item....
See also Introduction to Geographical Maps and Input and Output

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