Tutorial by Topics: id

widgetVar is the name of the client side variables which contains all the javascript PF widgets on the page. There is a great intro/tutorial to using the widgetVar component written by Hatem Alimam called Intro To PrimeFaces widgetVar
Includes pymongo query examples to filter documents by timestamp encapsulated in ObjectId
Taken from IdentityServer4 Official Docs IdentityServer4 is an OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 framework for ASP.NET Core. It enables the following features in your applications: Authentication as a Service Centralized login logic and workflow for all of your applications (web, native, mobil...
Spring has JSR303 bean validation support. We can use this to do input bean validation. Seperate validation logic from business logic using JSR303.
This post provides steps to use variables (User Variable, Package Parameter and Project Parameter) in the script component and viewing the updated value using Breakpoint and Watch window. ParameterDetailsUserVarIt is like a local variable used inside a package. Its value can be read and modifie...
The idea of this section is to cover how to install and use the VirtualBox with Android-x86 for debugging purposes. This is a difficult task because there are differences between versions. For the moment I´m going to cover 6.0 which is the one that I had to work with and then we'll have to find simi...
How to create unit test project and unit tests and how to run the unit tests and code coverage tool. In this guide the standard MSTest framework will be used and the standard Code Coverage Analyses tool which are available in Visual Studio. The guide was written for Visual Studio 2015, so it's pos...
This topic is based on How to integrate google sign-in, On android apps
A short introduction to creating a game on the Android platform using Java The first example covers the basics: There are no objectives, but it shows you how you create a basic part of a 2D game using SurfaceView. Make sure to save any important data when you create a game; everything else ...
Notification channels enable us app developers to group our notifications into groups—channels—with the user having the ability to modify notification settings for the entire channel at once.In Android O this feature is introduced.Right now it is available developers preview. class Notificatio...
Demystifying MVC, MVP, MVVM and VIPER or any other design patterns to choose the best approach to building an app
This topic is the first part of a series on how to create Android Plugins for Unity. Start here if you have little to no experience creating plugins, and/or the Android OS. Through this series, I extensively use external links that I encourage you to read. While paraphrased versions of the rel...
This section provides an overview of what pyramid is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within pyramid, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for pyramid is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related topi...
Export a Fuse.View from fusetools and use it inside an existing android project. Our goal is to export the entire hikr sample app and use it inside an Activity. Final work can be found @lucamtudor/hikr-fuse-view
Batch are capable of running with VBS functionality further increasing their reliability. For example, VBS can deal with decimals, spaces, and some other advanced operations that cannot be done in batch. Also is capable of working with WMI and ActiveX objects.
JScript is actually the superset of Javascript (it's 1.8.1 version - so some newer features are not available ), and they can be embedded into a batch script for extending batch script's functions. Usually, techniques of embedding are using the JScript directives (not part of the official Javascrip...
The X-Request-ID header can be used to trace individual requests to a web service (such as a REST API) from the client to the server and its backends. X-Request-ID: < value > A Client can send an HTTP header X-Request-ID: some-value. The server should use the provided value and pr...

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