Tutorial by Topics: int

Converting strings to integers is one of common tasks. Here we'll show how to convert decimal strings to integers. Psuedo code to do this is: function string_to_integer(str): result = 0 for (each characters in str, left to right): result = result * 10 add ((code of t...
Working with Win32 API using C# Windows exposes lots of functionality in the form of Win32 API. Using these API you can perform direct operation in windows, which increases performance of your application.Source Click here Windows exposes a broad range of API. To get information about various AP...
You can provide help for Forms and Controls in a Windows Forms Applications in different ways. You can show a pop-up help, open a CHM file or a URL. You can show context-sensitive help for Forms, Controls and dialogs. HelpProvider Component You can setup a HelpProvider component to provide con...
JVM TM Tool Interface Version 1.2 http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/platform/jvmti/jvmti.html
The latest version of AMQPStorm is available at pypi or you can install it using pip pip install amqpstorm
The assignment of string-literals in VBA is confined by the limitations of the IDE and the codepage of the current user's language settings. The examples above demonstrate the special-cases of escaped strings, special, non-printable strings and long string-literals. When assigning string-literals...
Types of Intents Explicit Intents Implicit Intents Explicit intent: going to be connected internal world of application, suppose you want to connect one activity to another activity, this can be done by explicit intent. Below is the code snippet demonstrating the connection between first an...
How does Blueprint API works? When sails initially starts using sails lift, sails looks to see if you have any controller defined. In our example, we have one controller, the User controller. Sails then provides access to blueprint actions for this user controller as if we built them in the ...
The INSERT INTO statement is used to insert new records in a table.
To run the example, the command syntax is: bin/hadoop jar hadoop-*-examples.jar wordcount [-m <#maps>] [-r <#reducers>] <in-dir> <out-dir> To copy data into HDFS(from local): bin/hadoop dfs -mkdir <hdfs-dir> //not required in hadoop 0.17.2 and later bin/h...

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