Tutorial by Topics: ion

Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3 forward [, Vector3 up]); Quaternion.AngleAxis(float angles, Vector3 axisOfRotation); float angleBetween = Quaternion.Angle(Quaternion rotation1, Quaternion rotation2);
Errors detected during execution are called exceptions and are not unconditionally fatal. Most exceptions are not handled by programs; it is possible to write programs that handle selected exceptions. There are specific features in Python to deal with exceptions and exception logic. Furthermore, exc...
Devise is a very powerful gem, it allows you to sign up, sign in and sign out options just after installing. Moreover user can add authentications and restrictions to its applications. Devise also come with its own views, if user wants to use. A user can also customize sign up and sign in forms acco...
window.requestAnimationFrame(callback); window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame(callback); window.mozRequestAnimationFrame(callback); ParameterDetailscallback"A parameter specifying a function to call when it's time to update your animation for the next repaint." (https://developer.mo...
Android Location APIs are used in a wide variety of apps for different purposes such as finding user location, notifying when a user has left a general area (Geofencing), and help interpret user activity (walking, running, driving, etc). However, Android Location APIs are not the only means of acqu...
Typescript documentation link for Functions
The reflect docs are a great reference. In general computer programming, reflection is ability of a program to examine the structure and behavior of itself at runtime. Based on its strict static type system Go lang has some rules (laws of reflection)
serialize($object) unserialize($object) All PHP types except for resources are serializable. Resources are a unique variable type that reference "external" sources, such as database connections.
Several Excel formulas deal with rounding and precision of non-integer numbers. This is separate from using cell formatting that affects the display of numeric data. In some cases just using cell formatting is sufficient, but in complex calculations, strict rules for rounding and precision are req...
Three-dimensional plotting in matplotlib has historically been a bit of a kludge, as the rendering engine is inherently 2d. The fact that 3d setups are rendered by plotting one 2d chunk after the other implies that there are often rendering issues related to the apparent depth of objects. The core...
R has many built-in functions to work with probability distributions, with official docs starting at ?Distributions. There are generally four prefixes: d-The density function for the given distribution p-The cumulative distribution function q-Get the quantile associated with the given probabi...
(define (name arguments ...) body) (function arguments ...)

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