Tutorial by Topics: is

It's up to clients of the class implementing IDisposable to make sure they call the Dispose method when they are finished using the object. There is nothing in the CLR that directly searches objects for a Dispose method to invoke. It's not necessary to implement a finalizer if your object...
Several Excel formulas deal with rounding and precision of non-integer numbers. This is separate from using cell formatting that affects the display of numeric data. In some cases just using cell formatting is sufficient, but in complex calculations, strict rules for rounding and precision are req...
Frame-based animation in Flash and AIR implement the following lifecycle: Event.ENTER_FRAME is dispatched Constructor code of children display objects are executed Event.FRAME_CONSTRUCTED is dispatched Frame actions in the MovieClip symbol is executed Frame actions in children MovieClip sym...
R has many built-in functions to work with probability distributions, with official docs starting at ?Distributions. There are generally four prefixes: d-The density function for the given distribution p-The cumulative distribution function q-Get the quantile associated with the given probabi...
Should we include the non-documented ffill and bfill?
(instancetype)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame; (void)setOn:(BOOL)on animated:(BOOL)animated; (nullable instancetype)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aDecoder; 1. UISwitch Reference : Apple Documentation 2. Another Reference given by : Enoch Huang
empty list constructor [] :: [a] non-empty list constructor (:) :: a -> [a] -> [a] head - returns the first value of a list head :: [a] -> a last - returns the last value of a list last :: [a] -> a tail - returns a list without the first item tail :: [a] -&gt...
pyinstaller [options] script [script ...] | specfile PyInstaller is a module used to bundle python apps in a single package along with all the dependencies. The user can then run the package app without a python interpreter or any modules. It correctly bundles many major packages like numpy...

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