Tutorial by Topics: k

Wicket is a component-based framework, which puts it in stark contrast to some of the earlier solutions to the sometimes monotonous task of web programming. Like other frameworks, Wicket builds on top of Sun's servlet API. However, unlike frameworks like Struts or Spring MVC, the developer using ...
Examples to get you up and running quickly (and correctly) with ASP.NET WebAPI
keybindings:: ::abbreviation:: Return KeybindingsDetails^Ctrl key!Alt key+Shift key#Windows key{enter}send enter key{tab}send tab key*wildcard, any key can be pressed down~key's native function will not be blocked<symbolspecifies left key (<+ is left shift)>symbolspecifies right k...
The Redis keyspace can be thought of as a hash table or dictionary mapping keys to data structures in the database. Redis provides a wide range of commands that work with keys to manage the keyspace, including the ability to remove keys, inspect key metadata, search for keys, and modify certain pro...
If you're going to run your project on another computer, you'll need to generate a new API key for it, because SHA-1 fingerprints will not match for different build machines. You can explore the project, described in example Adding a map in Xamarin.Forms here
This method is used to check weather WI-Fi is connected or not. isNetworkAvailable() : To check if Internet available on device ParameterDetailContextA reference of Activity context If internet connected then method will return true or false.
newInstance : To create single instance of Facebook helper class. loginUser : To login user. signOut : To log out user. getCallbackManager : To get callback for Facebook. getLoginCallback : To get callback for Login. getKeyHash : To generate Facebook Key Hash. ParameterDetailsTAGA Strin...
An API that allows you to control every aspect of Docker from within your own applications, build tools to manage and monitor applications running on Docker, and even use it to build apps on Docker itself.
PowerShell introduces an object pipelining model, which allows you to send whole objects down through the pipeline to consuming commandlets or (at least) the output. In contrast to classical string-based pipelining, information in piped objects don't have to be on specific positions. Commandlets can...
bind -P show all configured shortcuts.
Jobs were introduced in PowerShell 2.0 and helped to solve a problem inherent in the command-line tools. In a nutshell, if you start a long running task, your prompt is unavailable until the task finishes. As an example of a long running task, think of this simple PowerShell command: Get-ChildItem ...
Option optionName [value] Option Explicit Option Compare {Text | Binary | Database} Option Private Module Option Base {0 | 1} OptionDetailExplicitRequire variable declaration in the module it's specified in (ideally all of them); with this option specified, using an undeclared (/mispelle...

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