Tutorial by Topics: k

Using Kotlin with Android Studio is an easy task as Kotlin is developed by JetBrains. It is the same company that stands behind IntelliJ IDEA - a base IDE for Android Studio. That is why there are almost none problems with the compatibility. If you want to learn more about Kotlin Programming L...
Accessing network share file using PInvoke.
By using asynchronous sockets a server can listening for incoming connections and do some other logic in the mean time in contrast to synchronous socket when they are listening they block the main thread and the application is becoming unresponsive an will freeze until a client connects. Socke...
Getting Started Bridge Mode It's a default and attached to docker0 bridge. Put container on a completely separate network namespace. Host Mode When container is just a process running in a host, we'll attach the container to the host NIC. Mapped Container Mode This mode essentially maps a new ...
This section provides an overview of what DotNetNuke is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within DotNetNuke, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for DotNetNuke is new, you may need to create initial versions of those rel...
This post is for those who were having trouble installing Spark in their windows machine. Mostly using sparkR function for R session. Used reference from r-bloggers
Machine learning problems often require dealing with large quantities of training data with limited computing resources, particularly memory. It is not always possible to load an entire training set into memory. Fortunately, this can be dealt with through the use of Keras' fit_generator method, Pyth...
Whenever you are rendering a list of React components, each component needs to have a key attribute. The key can be any value, but it does need to be unique to that list. When React has to render changes on a list of items, React just iterates over both lists of children at the same time and genera...
Qt Network provide tools to easily use many network protocols in your application.
Linking API enables you to both send and receive links between applications. For example, opening the Phone app with number dialed in or opening the Google Maps and starting a navigation to a chosen destination. You can also utilise Linking to make your app able to respond to links opening it from o...
Many third-party APIs require a key, allowing them to prevent abuse. If they issue you a key, it's very important that you not commit the key into a public repository, as this will allow others to steal your key.
ccapndave/elm-update-extra is a fantastic package which helps you handle more complex updating functions, and may be very useful.
Creating a simple, decorative block with Forge is one of the first tasks an aspiring modder will have to learn. How to do that has changed over the various versions of Minecraft and is probably at a "moderate" difficulty post 1.7.10 due to the sheer number of easy to make mistakes. ...
This topic is about working with tables in VBA, and assumes knowledge of Excel Tables. In VBA, or rather the Excel Object Model, tables are known as ListObjects. The most frequently used properties of a ListObject are ListRow(s), ListColumn(s), DataBodyRange, Range and HeaderRowRange.
The workspace is a programmatic representation of the C# hierarchy that consists of a solution, child projects and child documents. Currently there is no MSBuild workspace that supports a .NET Standard compliant projects. For more information see here.
Web Forms For Marketeers is the popular Sitecore module that allows to create forms in Sitecore and customize and extend their behavior using save actions. More information about the module can be found in https://dev.sitecore.net/Downloads/Web_Forms_For_Marketers.aspx
Since Mockito 2.x we have the ability to mock final classes and methods.
The RAM can be divided into two parts. The kernel space and user space. The kernel runs in the kernel space, which no other programs can access. User programs have to run in user space. User space is a form of sand-boxing, where user programs can only access to memory that allocated to them so that ...
Keys in react are used to identify a list of DOM elements from the same hierarchy internally. So if you are iterating over an array to show a list of li elements, each of the li elements needs a unique identifier specified by the key property. This usually can be the id of your database item or the...

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