Tutorial by Topics: m

MVC Frameworks such as Spring MVC are using to create web applications that serve dynamic web pages. Jersey, though known to be a REST Framework, also has support for create dynamic web pages using its MVC module.
Each cell in an Excel spreadsheet can have unique formatting for things such as font, number formatting, color, borders, and alignment. Conditional formatting allows formatting for cells to vary based on data in the spreadsheet. See also Excel rounding and precision. Conditional Formatting a...
Using custom UITextField, we can manipulate the behavior of text field!
Step-by-step guide on how-to setup AEM as a Service on a Linux server.
Different methods and their arguments are used to achieve the wished behaviour of your telegram bot, which you created by now (hopefully). The basic structure of a query is (as mentioned in "Create a bot with the BotFather"): https://api.telegram.org/bot*BOTTOKEN*/*METHOD*?*ARGUMENT1*=*V...
This section provides an overview of what greasemonkey is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within greasemonkey, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for greasemonkey is new, you may need to create initial versions of tho...
A short introduction to creating a game on the Android platform using Java The first example covers the basics: There are no objectives, but it shows you how you create a basic part of a 2D game using SurfaceView. Make sure to save any important data when you create a game; everything else ...
This is an introduction to Selenium, using Java. While we don't expect you to know anything regarding Selenium, you have to have prior Java knowledge to follow this course. Download Links : Selenium IntelliJ IDEA ChromeDriver JDK 8
This Documentation describe how to build a three node Mongo replica set using Docker Image and auto provisioned using Chef.
2D convolution is computed in a similar way one would calculate 1D convolution: you slide your kernel over the input, calculate the element-wise multiplications and sum them up. But instead of your kernel/input being an array, here they are matrices.
Parallel execution in appium using selenium GRID concept. Please find step by step process.
This section provides an overview of what aframe is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within aframe, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for aframe is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related topics....
In Kotlin, there are 4 types of visibility modifiers are available. Public: This can be accessed from anywhere. Private: This can only be accessed from the module code. Protected: This can only be accessed from the class defining it and any derived classes. Internal: This can only be accessed fr...
You may have seen several websites that will show how to create an ISAPI extension project but none of them will demonstrate how to migrate the existing legacy ISAPI extension (VS2005) project to VS2015. I had faced similar issue while I was working on one of such requirement. This article demonstra...
When setting up voters to use with sonata-admin, there are a few pitfalls, the steps shown here should get you up and running, so that sonata properly takes the voters into account, when rendering the edit, show and delete buttons, when building the sidebar, when running the batch actions, basically...
This section provides an overview of what genymotion is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within genymotion, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for genymotion is new, you may need to create initial versions of those rel...
This section provides an overview of what pyramid is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within pyramid, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for pyramid is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related topi...
The raycaster component does general intersection testing with a raycaster. Raycasting is the method of extending a line from an origin towards a direction, and checking whether that line intersects with other entites. The raycaster component is a wrapper on top of the three.js raycaster. It checks ...

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