Tutorial by Topics: m

This meta post is similar to the python version http://stackoverflow.com/documentation/python/394/meta-documentation-guidelines#t=201607240058406359521. Please make edit suggestions, and comment on those (in lieu of proper comments), so we can flesh out/iterate on these suggestions :)
SMIL animation via the <animate> element is currently (July 2016) supported in major browsers with the exception of Microsoft browsers. There is a library (fakeSMIL) which can be used as a polyfill for Microsoft compatibility. Chrome 45 deprecated SMIL in favor of CSS animations and forthco...
This section provides an overview of what composer-php is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within composer-php, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for composer-php is new, you may need to create initial versions of thos...
Converting strings to integers is one of common tasks. Here we'll show how to convert decimal strings to integers. Psuedo code to do this is: function string_to_integer(str): result = 0 for (each characters in str, left to right): result = result * 10 add ((code of t...
akka provides some pre-defined shapes, that should probably fit 99.9% of your usage. creating a new shape should only be done in some very rare cases. the pre-defined shapes are: Source - 1 outlet, no inlets Sink - 1 inlet, no outlets Flow - 1 inlet, 1 outlet BidiFlow - 2 inlets, 2 outlets...
example-2: This is serves as an example so just don't copy/past it. Instead, to suit your needs, you should customize its variables; ansible_key, security group rules etc.. example-1: To disable the ssh strict host key checking, a behavior we don't want when automating tasks, we set it to no in ...
Developer Mode Odoo developer mode allows you to make substantial modifications to the Odoo database such as adding fields to your documents and views. You change the default views of your actions and can even create dynamic forms based on other fields within your models. Advantage While Odoo ...
JVM TM Tool Interface Version 1.2 http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/platform/jvmti/jvmti.html
CREATE [TEMPORARY] [EXTERNAL] TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] [db_name.]table_name [(col_name data_type [COMMENT col_comment], ...)] [COMMENT table_comment] [PARTITIONED BY (col_name data_type [COMMENT col_comment], ...)] [CLUSTERED BY (col_name, col_name, ...) [SORTED BY (col_name [ASC|DESC], ...)] I...

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