Tutorial by Topics: me

Similar to other programming, markup, and markdown languages, comments in HTML provide other developers with development specific information without affecting the user interface. Unlike other languages however, HTML comments can be used to specify HTML elements for Internet Explorer only. This topi...
Python provides both builtin methods and external libraries for creating, modifying, parsing, and manipulating dates and times.
Used to prevent name collisions when using multiple libraries, a namespace is a declarative prefix for functions, classes, types, etc. namespace identifier(opt) { declaration-seq } inline namespace identifier(opt) { declaration-seq } /* since C++11 */ inline(opt) namespace attribute-specifie...
AttributeDetailsnameSets the element's name, to be used with an a tag to change the iframe's src.widthSets the element's width in pixels.heightSets the element's height in pixels.srcSpecifies the page that will be displayed in the frame.srcdocSpecifies the content that will be displayed in the fra...
The $ character introduces parameter expansion, command substitution, or arithmetic expansion. The parameter name or symbol to be expanded may be enclosed in braces, which are optional but serve to protect the variable to be expanded from characters immediately following it which could be interprete...
On Mac and Linux, the meteor command line tool assumes that the ssh command line tool, used to make secure connections to other computers, is always present. On Windows, this tool needs to be installed. Below are listed two options for setting it up and using it.
class twilio.rest.resources.Messages(*args, **kwargs) ParameterDetailsto (str)The destination phone number.from_ (str)The phone number sending this message (must be a verified Twilio number)body (str)The message you want to send, limited to 160 characters.status_callbackA URL that Twilio wil...
Stream Filter provides the ability to filter messages on the server before they are sent to a subscriber is a popular request. With the introduction of our v4.x SDKs, you now have the ability to do so using message meta data.
millisecondsAndMicrosecondsSincePageLoad = performance.now(); millisecondsSinceYear1970 = Date.now(); millisecondsSinceYear1970 = (new Date()).getTime(); performance.now() is available in modern web browsers and provides reliable timestamps with sub-millisecond resolution. Since Date.now...
ParameterDetailsbuttonSimple payment buttonconfigPayPal configuration object housing our client ID (from application creation) and the environment we want to use (sandbox or live)paymentPayPal payment detailspaymentConfigConfiguration Intent for the payment information and settingsserviceConfigConf...
fun TypeName.extensionName(params, ...) { /* body */ } // Declaration fun <T: Any> TypeNameWithGenerics<T>.extensionName(params, ...) { /* body */ } // Declaration with Generics myObj.extensionName(args, ...) // invocation Extensions are resolved statically. This means that t...
Destructuring is a pattern matching technique that is added to Javascript recently in EcmaScript 6. It allows you to bind a group of variables to a corresponding set of values when their pattern matches to the right hand-side and the left hand-side of the expression. let [x, y] = [1, 2] let ...
ParameterDetailsCameraCaptureSessionA configured capture session for a CameraDevice, used for capturing images from the camera or reprocessing images captured from the camera in the same session previouslyCameraDeviceA representation of a single camera connected to an Android deviceCameraCharacter...
Kotlin provides many extension methods on collections and iterables for applying functional-style operations. A dedicated Sequence type allows for lazy composition of several such operations. About laziness If you want to lazy process a chain, you can convert to a Sequence using asSequence(...
<select name=""></select> <datalist id=""></datalist> <optgroup label="Option Group"></optgroup> <option value="">Option</option>

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