Tutorial by Topics: me

Most command line tools rely on arguments passed to the program upon its execution. Instead of prompting for input, these programs expect data or specific flags (which become booleans) to be set. This allows both the user and other programs to run the Python file passing it data as it starts. This s...
Introduction about Fragments and their intercommunication mechanism void onActivityCreated(Bundle savedInstanceState) // Called when the fragment's activity has been created and this fragment's view hierarchy instantiated. void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent da...
ParameterDetaillimitThe parameter of the C# method. You supply the argument via the Page Method.onSuccessThe JavaScript function that is executed when the Page Method call is successful.onErrorThe JavaScript function that is executed when there is an error in the Page Method call. More than one...
This section provides an overview of what google-chrome-devtools is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within google-chrome-devtools, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for google-chrome-devtools is new, you may need to c...
When using method swizzling in Swift there are two requirements that your classes/methods must comply with: Your class must extend NSObject The functions you want to swizzle must have the dynamic attribute For a complete explanation of why this is required, check out Using Swift with Cocoa...
Not all HTML tags are of the same structure. While most elements require an opening tag, a closing tag, and contents, some elements - known as void elements - only require an opening tag as they themselves do not contain any elements. This topic explains and demonstrates the proper usage of void ele...
- or +: The type of method. Instance or class? (): Where the return type goes. Use void if you don't want to return anything! Next is the name of the method. Use camelCase and make the name easy to remember an understand. If your method needs parameters, now is the time! The first...
The div element in HTML is a container element that encapsulates other elements and can be used to group and separate parts of a webpage. A div by itself does not inherently represent anything but is a powerful tool in web design. This topic covers the purpose and applications of the div element. ...
MERGE (often also called UPSERT for "update or insert") allows to insert new rows or, if a row already exists, to update the existing row. The point is to perform the whole set of operations atomically (to guarantee that the data remain consistent), and to prevent communication overhead fo...
lock (obj) {} Using the lock statement you can control different threads' access to code within the code block. It is commonly used to prevent race conditions, for example multiple threads reading and removing items from a collection. As locking forces threads to wait for other threads to ...
Approach with sealed trait and case objects is preferred because Scala enumeration has a few problems: Enumerations have the same type after erasure. Compiler doesn't complain about “Match is not exhaustive", if case is missed it will fail in runtime scala.MatchError: def isWeekendWith...
Android Marshmallow introduced Runtime Permission model. Permissions are categorized into two categories i.e. Normal and Dangerous Permissions. where dangerous permissions are now granted by the user at run time. From sdk 23 Android requires runtime permissions for permissions on devices runni...
ParameterDescriptionpath_or_bufstring or file handle, default None File path or object, if None is provided the result is returned as a string.sepcharacter, default ‘,’ Field delimiter for the output file.na_repstring, default ‘’ Missing data representationfloat_formatstring, default None Format st...
Extension methods are methods (Sub or Function) that add functionality to a Type (which may be a Reference Type or a Value Type). These Types may or may not be owned by you. They may or may not be in the same assembly as the Type they are intended to modify. You can allow an opt-in to your exte...

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