Tutorial by Topics: methods

A note about implemeting both methods When both methods are implemented, it's somewhat common to have a __str__ method that returns a human-friendly representation (e.g. "Ace of Spaces") and __repr__ return an eval-friendly representation. In fact, the Python docs for repr() note ex...
Create method: Create new record with specified value. Takes a number of field values, and returns a recordset containing the record created def create(self,vals): return super(class_name, self).create(vals) Write Method: Update records with given ids with the given field values.Takes a n...
closure.memoize() closure.memoizeAtMost(n) closure.memoizeAtLeast(n) closure.memoizeBetween(n, m) Memoization is a method of caching the result of a closure invocation. The memoize function applied to a closure returns a new closure whose return value is cached according to its input p...
Since Mockito 2.x we have the ability to mock final classes and methods.
The arrival of Java 9 brings many new features to Java's Collections API, one of which being collection factory methods. These methods allow for easy initialization of immutable collections, whether they be empty or nonempty. Note that these factory methods are only available for the following int...
Advance ways to manage selections of UITableViewCell. Examples when simple didSelect... form UITableViewDelegate is not enough to achieve something.
Different methods and their arguments are used to achieve the wished behaviour of your telegram bot, which you created by now (hopefully). The basic structure of a query is (as mentioned in "Create a bot with the BotFather"): https://api.telegram.org/bot*BOTTOKEN*/*METHOD*?*ARGUMENT1*=*V...

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