Tutorial by Topics: notification

notification name { email = [email protected], [email protected], ... post = http://example.com get = http://example.com next = another-notification-definition timeout = 30m runOnActions = false body = {"text": {{.|json}}} contentType = application/json print = true...
Local notifications allow your app to notify the user about content which does not require the use of a server. Unlike remote notifications which are triggered from a server, local notifications are scheduled and triggered within an app. Notifications in general are targeted to increase user intera...
Notification.requestPermission(callback) Notification.requestPermission().then(callback, rejectFunc) new Notification(title, options) notification.close() The Notifications API was designed to allow browser access to notifying the client. Support by browsers might be limited. Also suppo...
iOS notifications are a simple and powerful way to send data in a loosely coupled way. That is, the sender of a notification doesn't have to care about who (if anyone) receives the notification, it just posts it out there to the rest of the app and it could be picked up by lots of things or nothing ...
UIUserNotificationSettings.types: UIUserNotificationType // A bitmask of the notification types that your app is allowed to use UIUserNotificationSettings.categories: Set // The app’s registered groups of actions ParameterDescriptionuserInfoA dictionary that contains remote notification inf...
There is no uniform way to handle push notifications in Xamarin Forms since the implementation relies heavily on platform specific features and events. Therefor platform specific code will always be necessary. However, by using the DependencyService you can share as much code as possible. Also th...
The SenderID that is present in the initialization example is a gcm sender id that is given to you by google. It should also be present when you install the plugin ionic plugin add phonegap-plugin-push --variable SENDER_ID="XXXXXXX" If you wish to add additional data to your push n...
AWS Simple Notification Service Lingo: Endpoint - The endpoint can be a phone, email address or whatever, it's what AWS SNS can hit back with a notification Topic - Essentially a group that contains all of your endpoints Subscribe - You sign up your phone/client to receive notifcations Gen...
In Bosun notifications are used for both new alert incidents and when an alert is acked/closed/etc. If you don't want the other events to trigger a notification add runOnActions = false to the notification definition. See Notification Overview for more examples.
This section provides an overview of what push-notification is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within push-notification, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for push-notification is new, you may need to create initial ...
iOS 10 gave us UserNotifications.framework, the new API for local/remote notifications. It offers viewing media attachments or responding to messages right from the notification. Notification content consists of: title, subtitle, body and attachment. Attachment can contain images/gifs/videos up t...
We can add Push Notification to react native app by using the npm module react-native-push-notification by zo0r. This enables for a cross platform development. Installation npm install --save react-native-push-notification react-native link Refer GitHub Repo of this module for more details....
Notification channels enable us app developers to group our notifications into groups—channels—with the user having the ability to modify notification settings for the entire channel at once.In Android O this feature is introduced.Right now it is available developers preview. class Notificatio...
This can be done using 2 methods with HTTP Post request, With Firebase admin SDK running on your server. Here I will discuss both of them.

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