Tutorial by Topics: old

This topic illustrates how to avoid adding unwanted files (or file changes) in a Git repo. There are several ways (global or local .gitignore, .git/exclude, git update-index --assume-unchanged, and git update-index --skip-tree), but keep in mind Git is managing content, which means: ignoring actuall...
When it comes to storing, reading, or communicating data, working with the files of an operating system is both necessary and easy with Python. Unlike other languages where file input and output requires complex reading and writing objects, Python simplifies the process only needing commands to open...
Foldable is the class of types t :: * -> * which admit a folding operation. A fold aggregates the elements of a structure in a well-defined order, using a combining function. If t is Foldable it means that for any value t a we know how to access all of the elements of a from "inside&qu...
This section provides an overview of what coldfusion is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within coldfusion, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for coldfusion is new, you may need to create initial versions of those rela...
Fold Expressions are supported for the following operators             +-*/%\ˆ&|<<>>+=-=*=/=%=\ˆ=&=|=<<=>>====!=<><=>=&&||,.*->* When folding over an empty sequence, a fold expression is ill-formed, except for the following three operators: ...
ParameterDetailsdata type (dtype)specifically one of the data types provided by the tensorflow package. E.g. tensorflow.float32data shape (shape)Dimensions of placeholder as list or tuple. None can be used for dimensions that are unknown. E.g. (None,30) would define a (? x 30) dimension placeholder...
jekyll build [flag] [value] # Build the site with the setting specified by <flag> and <value>                             # cf. list of available settings for Jekyll If you edit _config.yml and you are using --watch, you need to restart the command to apply the changes.
Folding causes multiple lines of text to be collapsed and displayed as a single line. It is useful for hiding portions of a document considered unimportant for the current task. Folding is purely a visual change to the document: the folded lines are still present, unchanged. A fold is persistent....
ArrayNew(dimension, isSynchronized) NameDescriptionDimensionNumber of dimensions in new array: 1, 2, or 3isSynchronizedWhen false, creates an unsynchronized array, When true, the function returns a synchronized array. In a synchronized array, more than two threads cannot access the array ...
A scope is "the range in which a variable can be referenced". ColdFusion knows — as well as most other programming and script languages — several scopes. The following text deals with these types and trys to bring clarity about them, their differences and their characteristics.
The data.table package has undergone a number of changes and innovations over time. Here are some potential pitfalls that can help users looking at legacy code or reviewing old blog posts.

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