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Slaesforce StandardSetController hold only List of sObject, It will not holdslist of wrapper class object. Below source code demonstrates the usage of Paginating using Wrapper Class in sales-force.
"aggregations" : { -"<aggregation_name>" : { -"<aggregation_type>" : { -<aggregation_body> -} -[,"meta" : { [<meta_data_body>] } ]? -[,"aggregations" : { [<sub_aggregation>]+ } ]? -} -[,"<aggregation_...
Data validation allows user to create a drop-down list and restrict values in the cell to these entries. Due to limitation Excel can't bind more than 256 characters programmatically. To bind more than 256 characters one can follow explained approach.
Creating the data validation constraint can be tricky and time taking in NPOI. I have shared some of my workable approach. These approach will give good idea to customize your own constraint types.
The gltf-model component allows to use 3D models in the glTF format with A-Frame. glTF is a Khronos standard for efficient, full-scene 3D models and is optimised for usage on the web. <a-entity gltf-model="url(https://cdn.rawgit.com/KhronosGroup/glTF-Sample-Models/9176d098/1.0/Duck/gl...
The documentation provides a sample implementation of the inter-process communication between C# and Python scripts. Note that in the example above data is serialized using MongoDB.Bson library that can be installed via NuGet manager. Otherwise, you can use any JSON serialization library of y...
Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) is a framework for building service-oriented applications. Using WCF, you can send data as asynchronous messages from one service endpoint to another. A service endpoint can be part of a continuously available service hosted by IIS, or it can be a service hoste...
This section provides an overview of what ionic3 is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within ionic3, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for ionic3 is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related topics....
It sometimes happens that two languages put different meanings on the same or similar syntax expression. When the both languages are of interest for a programmer, clarifying these bifurcation points helps to better understand the both languages in their basics and subtleties.
TypeApplications are an alternative to type annotations when the compiler struggles to infer types for a given expression. This series of examples will explain the purpose of the TypeApplications extension and how to use it Don't forget to enable the extension by placing {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplicati...
The Rich Notifications lets you customize the appearance of local and remote notifications when they appear on the user’s device.Rich notification mostly includes UNNotificationServiceExtension and UNNotificationContentExtension ie displaying the normal notification in an extended manner
IEx provides access to Elixir documentation. When Elixir is installed on your system you can start IEx e.g. with iex command in a terminal. Then type h command on IEx command line followed by the function name prepended by its module name e.g. h List.foldr
Get data directly into an R session. One of the nice features of R is the ease of data acquisition. There are several ways data dissemination using R packages.
A number of features of program objects can be fetched through the program API.
How to correctly use the named annotation in Kotlin v1.1

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