Tutorial by Topics: s

#include <stdio.h> /* Include this to use any of the following sections */ FILE *fopen(const char *path, const char *mode); /* Open a stream on the file at path with the specified mode */ FILE *freopen(const char *path, const char *mode, FILE *stream); /* Re-open an existing stream on the...
variable.member_var = constant; variable.member_function(); variable_pointer->member_var = constant; variable_pointer->member_function(); Note that the only difference between the struct and class keywords is that by default, the member variables, member functions, and base classe...
std::shared_ptr<ClassType> variableName = std::make_shared<ClassType>(arg1, arg2, ...); std::shared_ptr<ClassType> variableName (new ClassType(arg1, arg2, ...)); std::unique_ptr<ClassType> variableName = std::make_unique<ClassType>(arg1, arg2, ...); // C++14 std::...
A vector is a dynamic array with automatically handled storage. The elements in a vector can be accessed just as efficiently as those in an array with the advantage being that vectors can dynamically change in size. In terms of storage the vector data is (usually) placed in dynamically allocated me...
jQuery UI is a JavaScript UI library, built on top of jQuery, offering a set of user interface interactions, effects and widgets. VersionRelease Date1.7.02009-03-061.7.12009-03-191.7.22009-06-121.7.42010-05-041.8.02010-03-231.8.12010-05-041.8.22010-06-071.8.42010-08-101.8.52010-09-171.8.62010-...
A selector is a chain of simple selectors, separated by combinators. Selectors are case insensitive (including against elements, attributes, and attribute values). The universal selector (*) is implicit when no element selector is supplied (i.e. *.header and .header is equivalent). PatternMatche...
On Mac and Linux, the meteor command line tool assumes that the ssh command line tool, used to make secure connections to other computers, is always present. On Windows, this tool needs to be installed. Below are listed two options for setting it up and using it.
As more secure web services avoid storing passwords in plain text format, languages such as PHP provide various (undecryptable) hash functions to support the more secure industry standard. This topic provides documentation for proper hashing with PHP. string password_hash ( string $password , ...
This spoiler syntax is specific to Stack Exchange, and is not part of a standard markdown syntax.
Tables are supported only in certain flavors of Markdown, including Markdown Extra and Github Flavored Markdown, but not in the original Markdown syntax or in CommonMark. Markdown tables are also not supported on Stack Exchange sites (with the exception of the Documentation beta).
This is a simple hello world function in Common Lisp. Examples will print the text Hello, World! (without quotation marks; followed by a newline) to the standard output. Common Lisp is a programming language that is largely used interactively using an interface known as a REPL. The REPL (Read Eva...
Properties: Associated with a type Variables: Not associated with a type See the Swift Programming Language iBook for more information.
// Declare as a local variable: returnType (^blockName)(parameterType1, parameterType2, ...) = ^returnType(argument1, argument2, ...) {...}; // Declare as a property: @property (nonatomic, copy, nullability) returnType (^blockName)(parameterTypes); // Declare as a method parameter: ...
Some implementations of Markdown, such as Stack Exchange's, support spoiler quotes, which look the same, but hide the content of the quote until you click on it.
While everything in Node.js is generally done asynchronously, require() is not one of those things. Since modules in practice only need to be loaded once, it is a blocking operation and should be used properly. Modules are cached after the first time they are loaded. Should you be editing a modul...
SELECT column_1 [, column_2 ] FROM table_1 ORDER BY order_column LIMIT row_count [OFFSET row_offset] SELECT column_1 [, column_2 ] FROM table_1 ORDER BY order_column LIMIT [row_offset,] row_count "Limit" could mean "Max number of rows in a table". "Offset&q...

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