Tutorial by Topics: s

@interface ClassName (categoryName) // ClassName is the class to be extended // Method and property declarations @end To avoid method name clashes, it is recommended to use prefixes (like xyz_ in the example). If methods with the same name exist, it is undefined which one will...
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(Source source); Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in); ParameterDetailsSourceSource could be either one of String, File or any kind of InputStream The Scanner class was introduced in Java 5. The reset() method was added in Java 6, and a couple of new cons...
An assertion is a predicate that the presented condition must be true at the moment the assertion is encountered by the software. Most common are simple assertions, which are validated at execution time. However, static assertions are checked at compile time. assert(expression) static_assert(...
Oracle is a relational database management system (RDBMS) originally built by Larry Ellison, Bob Miner, and Ed Oates in the late 70s. It was intended to be compatible with IBM's System R. VersionRelease DateVersion 1 (unreleased)1978-01-01Oracle V21979-01-01Oracle Version 31983-01-01Oracle Ver...
The C language does not define a linked list data structure. If you are using C and need a linked list, you either need to use a linked list from an existing library (such as GLib) or write your own linked list interface. This topic shows examples for linked lists and double linked lists that ca...
Bosun is an open-source, MIT licensed, monitoring and alerting system created by Stack Overflow. It has an expressive domain specific language for evaluating alerts and creating detailed notifications. It also lets you test your alerts against historical data for a faster development experience. M...
ParameterDetailsindexRootThe root name of the index to hit, the format is expected to be fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", index_root, d.Format("2006.01.02"))keyStringCreates groups (like tagsets) and can also filter those groups. It is the format of "field:regex,field:regex...". T...
ParameterDetailsindexRootThe root name of the index to hit, the format is expected to be fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", index_root, d.Format("2006.01.02"))keyStringCreates groups (like tagsets) and can also filter those groups. It is the format of "field:regex,field:regex...". T...
Unit testing describes the process of testing individual units of code in isolation from the system that they are a part of. What constitutes a unit can vary from system to system, ranging from an individual method to a group of closely related classes or a module. The unit is isolated from its ...
_Generic ( assignment-expression , generic-assoc-list ) ParameterDetailsgeneric-assoc-listgeneric-association OR generic-assoc-list , generic-associationgeneric-associationtype-name : assignment-expression OR default : assignment-expression All type qualifiers will be dropped during the ...
[default-capture, capture-list] (argument-list) mutable throw-specification attributes -> return-type { lambda-body } // Order of lambda specifiers and attributes. [capture-list] (argument-list) { lambda-body } // Common lambda definition. [=] (argument-list) { lambda-body } // Captures all ...
A tuple type is a comma-separated list of types, enclosed in parentheses. This list of types also can have name of the elements and use those names to refer to the values of the individual elements. An element name consists of an identifier followed immediately by a colon (:). Common use - We ca...
ParameterDetailsappOur Express application referencebodyParserThe body-parser package reference for working with JSON encoded bodiesclientIdThe application client ID (OAuth 2 credentials)httpThe http package for running the serverpaypalThe PayPal Node SDK reference objectsecretThe application secre...
The properties object contains key and value pair both as a string. The java.util.Properties class is the subclass of Hashtable. It can be used to get property value based on the property key. The Properties class provides methods to get data from properties file and store data into properties file...

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