Tutorial by Topics: se

Accessing network share file using PInvoke.
Machine learning problems often require dealing with large quantities of training data with limited computing resources, particularly memory. It is not always possible to load an entire training set into memory. Fortunately, this can be dealt with through the use of Keras' fit_generator method, Pyth...
Insert an image into an MS Word document shapes such as Rectangles and ovals. This documentation assumes you know how to insert an image into a word document, open and close a word document using OpenXML
Whenever you are rendering a list of React components, each component needs to have a key attribute. The key can be any value, but it does need to be unique to that list. When React has to render changes on a list of items, React just iterates over both lists of children at the same time and genera...
The standard Maven plugin used by a Release Process is the maven-release-plugin – the configuration for this plugin is minimal: SCM in the Maven pom:The Release process will interact with the Source Control of the project – this means we need to define the "scm" element in our pom.xml.The...
Attoparsec is a parsing combinator library that is "aimed particularly at dealing efficiently with network protocols and complicated text/binary file formats". Attoparsec offers not only speed and efficiency, but backtracking and incremental input. Its API closely mirrors that of another...
Here we will see Pro-grammatically calling and using web services in ASP.Net C# . For the purpose you will required to download following ddl which provides you many functions. Download ImportJson from https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-2bGoHKJvnOckdPUHVjdFZTcFU This article is very useful for t...
This topic is about serial communication using the Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) peripheral of the STM32 microcontrollers.
Many third-party APIs require a key, allowing them to prevent abuse. If they issue you a key, it's very important that you not commit the key into a public repository, as this will allow others to steal your key.
Android requires that all APKs be signed for release.
Software entities (class, modules, functions etc) should be open for extension but closed for modification.
The principle states that no client should be forced to depend on methods that it doesn't use. A client should never be forced to implement an interface that it doesn't use or client shouldn't be forced to depend on methods that they don't use.
CBCentralManager acts as a manager class central side app generally iOS app. which is responsible for bridging communication between peripherals and central.
Select never work in Bootstrap Modal follow given steps to use select2 in Bootstrap Model.
Since Mockito 2.x we have the ability to mock final classes and methods.

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