Tutorial by Topics: se

Here is a way of having multiple value inside of a selector in order to filter a grid.
Excel gives functions that will assist in converting from decimal to one of binary, octal and hexadecimal, and back again. Note that there are no leading 0 or 0x in the functions.
An NSUserActivity object can be used to coordinate significant events in an app with the system. It is the basis for Handoff between different devices running iOS and macOS. Additionally, it may also be used to improve public-indexing and augment or create Spotlight Search results for an app. As of ...
This is a collection of common JavaScript security issues, like XSS and eval injection. This collection also contains how to mitigate these security issues.
This topic covers the end to end setup of Selenium i.e. Selenium Webdriver + TestNG + Maven + Jenkins. For report addition, please refer to topic HTML Reports
When you create searches with Suitescript, you could provide as "filters" either array of Filter objects, or filter expression. The second option is more readable and gives you very flexible option to provide nested expressions (up to 3 levels) using not only the default "AND", b...
In this post you will find the different ways to implement offline capabilities when usingFirebase , information about when and why could be a good idea enable offline capabilities and examples of it with Android platform. What should I use? Disk persistence or keepSynced calls? From my exp...
Learn how to use the built in server to develop and test your application without the need of other tools like xamp, wamp, etc. ColumnColumn-STell the php that we want a webserver<hostname>:<port>The host name and the por to be used-tPublic directory<filename>The routing scrip...
Here is some of different ways to provide alias names to columns in Sql Server
reactive, reactiveValue and eventReactive are various kinds of reactive expressions in Shiny. They yield output which can be used as input in other expressions, which will in turn take a dependency on the reactive expression. observe and observeEvent are similar to reactive expressions. The big dif...
This section provides an overview of what user-interface is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within user-interface, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for user-interface is new, you may need to create initial versions ...
This section provides an overview of what es6-promise is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within es6-promise, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for es6-promise is new, you may need to create initial versions of those ...
We will see how to set up a service working on angular, to allow our web app to have offline capabilities. A Service worker is a special script which runs in the background in the browser and manages network requests to a given origin. It's originally installed by an app and stays resident on the u...
You should be careful using these words for variable, model name, method name or etc.
When the record count is too high , loading all records at once can make application slow in addition user will not like the idea of scrolling thousand of records to find what he is looking for. Its better to give user a power search and filter the records as he types the character.
In Firebase Database everything is a node, that follows the pattern key: value. Firebase Database provides us with a simple way to generate unique keys. Unique keys create new items while uploading data to a previously stored key will update.

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