Tutorial by Topics: str

The assignment of string-literals in VBA is confined by the limitations of the IDE and the codepage of the current user's language settings. The examples above demonstrate the special-cases of escaped strings, special, non-printable strings and long string-literals. When assigning string-literals...
Strings are a Reference type and are central to most programming tasks. Strings are assigned text, even if the text happens to be numeric. Strings can be zero-length, or any length up to 2GB. Modern versions of VBA store Strings internally using a Byte array of Multi-Byte Character Set bytes (an ...
The term literal is commonly used to describe a sequence of characters in a C code that designates a constant value such as a number (e.g. 0) or a string (e.g. "C"). Strictly speaking, the standard uses the term constant for integer constants, floating constants, enumeration constants ...
VBA will implicitly convert some types to string as necessary and without any extra work on the part of the programmer, but VBA also provides a number of explicit string conversion functions, and you can also write your own. Three of the most frequently used functions are CStr, Format and StrConv...
When you need to check for the presence or position of a substring within a string, VBA offers the InStr and InStrRev functions that return the character position of the substring in the string, if it is present.
VBA has built-in functions for extracting specific parts of strings, including: Left/Left$ Right/Right$ Mid/Mid$ Trim/Trim$ To avoid implicit type conversion onverhead (and therefore for better performance), use the $-suffixed version of the function when a string variable is passed to th...
ParameterDetailsmax-age=31536000Time in seconds. HSTS will be enforced for this future time period.includeSubDomainsHSTS should be applied for this domain and all of its sub-domains.preloadThis domain agrees to be included in a HSTS pre-load list See also MDN - HTTP Strict Transport Security ...
A string's length can be measured in two ways: The most frequently used measure of length is the number of characters using the Len functions, but VBA can also reveal the number of bytes using LenB functions. A double-byte or Unicode character is more than one byte long.
Strings can be concatenated, or joined together, using one or more concatenation operator &. String arrays can also be concatenated using the Join function and providing a string (which can be zero-length) to be used between each array element.
There are times you need to assign a string variable with a specific character repeated a specific number of times. VBA provides two main functions for this purpose: String/String$ Space/Space$.
If you are creating a dynamic string, It is a good practice to opt for StringBuilder class rather than joining strings using + or Concat method as each +/Concat creates a new string object everytime it is executed.
Single Abstract Methods are types, introduced in Java 8, that have exactly one abstract member.
Streams are lazily-evaluated, meaning they can be used to implement generators, which will provide or 'generate' a new item of the specified type on-demand, rather than before the fact. This ensures only the computations necessary are done.
io:format(FormatString, Args) % write to standard output io:format(standard_error, FormatString, Args) % write to standard error io:format(F, FormatString, Args) % write to open file io_lib:format(FormatString, Args) % return an iolist
typedef struct { typeA propertyA; typeB propertyB; ... } StructName In Objective C, you should almost always use an object instead of a struct. However, there are still cases where using a struct is better, such as: When you're going to be creating and destroying a lot of values of the (...

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