Tutorial by Topics: v

This section provides an overview of what jquery-validate is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within jquery-validate, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for jquery-validate is new, you may need to create initial versio...
This topic is to briefly describe how C# or VB .NET Managed code can be scripted and utilised within a PowerShell script. This topic is not exploring all facets of the Add-Type cmdlet. For more information on the Add-Type cmdlet, please refer to the MSDN documentation (for 5.1) here: https://msdn.m...
Activity recognition is the detection of a user's physical activity in order to perform certain actions on the device, such as taking points when a drive is detected, turn wifi off when a phone is still, or putting the ring volume to max when the user is walking.
ParameterDetails$END$place where cursor would placed after generate live template
I recently had to modify the Activity sub-grid to remove certain activity types from the add activity menu. Note, this may not be a supported method on how to do this, but there is no documented supported way to so it, so I had to come up with a solution & this worked, in CRM 2013 anyway. ...
In this guide you can find out steps to load multiple CSV/TXT files from a folder to the database table. Parameter/VaiableDetailsSourceFolderIt is a read only project parameter available and configurable at the deployment. Example of project parameter are Connection Strings, passwords, port no,...
The guide helps in understanding how to import data from the SQL server table to a CSV/txt file. Right click on the Data Flow Task and select property. DefaultBufferMaxRows and DefaultBufferSize properties can be changed to improve data load performance. Multiple Data Flow Task can be execu...
widgetVar is the name of the client side variables which contains all the javascript PF widgets on the page. There is a great intro/tutorial to using the widgetVar component written by Hatem Alimam called Intro To PrimeFaces widgetVar
Groovy has more ways of looping besides supporting the Java iterations. Groovy extends the Integer class with the step(), upto() and times() methods. These methods take a closure as a parameter. In the closure we define the piece of code we want to be executed several times. It also adds each() an...
d3 is a powerful library for creating interactive charts; however, that power stems from users having to work at a lower level than other interactive libraries. Consequently many of the examples for d3 charts are designed to demonstrate how to produce a particular thing - e.g. whiskers for a box and...
How to update the version of MongoDB on your machine on different platforms and versions. If you have an older version of MongoDB, you must upgrade the whole path to the newest version. For example, if you are running version 3.0 and want to get version 3.4, you must upgrade 3.0->3.2->3....
Taken from IdentityServer4 Official Docs IdentityServer4 is an OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 framework for ASP.NET Core. It enables the following features in your applications: Authentication as a Service Centralized login logic and workflow for all of your applications (web, native, mobil...
:vglobal or :v is the opposite of :global or :g that operates on lines not matching the specified pattern (inverse).
Spring has JSR303 bean validation support. We can use this to do input bean validation. Seperate validation logic from business logic using JSR303.
More examples on how C++ can go wrong. Continuation from Undefined Behavior
This post provides steps to use variables (User Variable, Package Parameter and Project Parameter) in the script component and viewing the updated value using Breakpoint and Watch window. ParameterDetailsUserVarIt is like a local variable used inside a package. Its value can be read and modifie...

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