Tutorial by Topics: word

Keyword arguments were introduced in Ruby 2.0, and improved in Ruby 2.1 with the addition of required keyword arguments. A simple method with a keyword argument looks like the following one: def say(message: "Hello World") puts message end say # => "Hello World" ...
Set IFS to newline: IFS=$'\n' Set IFS to nullstring: IFS= Set IFS to / character: IFS=/ ParameterDetailsIFSInternal field separator-xPrint commands and their arguments as they are executed (Shell option) Word splitting is not performed during assignments e.g newvar=$var Word splitting...
This section provides an overview of what wordpress-theming is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within wordpress-theming, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for wordpress-theming is new, you may need to create initial v...
esc_html( string $text ) esc_url( string $url, array $protocols, string $_context ) esc_js( string $text ) wp_json_encode( mixed $data, int $options, int $depth = 512 ) esc_attr( string $text ) esc_textarea( string $text ) Security should be always in mind when developing. Without secu...
To make it more difficult for others to hack your website you can remove the WordPress version number from your site, your css and js. Without that number it's not possible to see if you run not the current version to exploit bugs from the older versions. Additionally it can improve the loading sp...
sanitize_text_field( string $str ) sanitize_title( string $title, string $fallback_title, string $context ) sanitize_email( string $email ) sanitize_html_class( string $class, string $fallback ) sanitize_file_name( string $name ) sanitize_user( string $username, boolean $strict ) Secur...
Generally speaking, it is best not to use T-SQL Reserved Words as table names, column names, programming object names, alias etc. So the method to escape these keywords should only be applied if you are inheriting a database design that cannot be changed. For reserved words, usage of the square b...
<?php $trimmed_text = wp_trim_words( $text, $num_words = 55, $more = null ); ?> ParameterDetails$text(String) (Required) Text that will be shortened or trimmed.$num_words(Integer) (Required) Number of words to which text will be restricted.$more(String) (Optional) What to append if $te...
Inflector is a very handy helper to change/convert english word to singular, plural, camel case, humanize etc. The helper also help to check whether a word has plural version or not.
This section provides an overview of what word-vba is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within word-vba, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for word-vba is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related t...
Stop words are the words which are mostly used as fillers and hardly have any useful meaning. We should avoid these words from taking up space in database or taking up valuable processing time. We can easily make a list of words to be used as stop words and then filter these words from the data we w...
Inserting an image in a word document using OpenXml require two actions: add the image inside the openxml and refer to the image in your Document if you only add the image to the openxml structure without refering it in the Word Document, the next time you "open / save" your document...

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