HRESULTs are numeric 32-bit values, where bits or bit ranges encode well-defined information. The MSB is a failure/success flag, with the remaining bits storing additional information. Failure or success can be determined using the FAILED or SUCCEEDED macros. HRESULT
s are commonly used with COM, but appear in non-COM implementations as well (e.g. StringCchPrintf).
const size_t cchBuf = 5;
wchar_t buffer[cchBuf] = { 0 };
HRESULT hr = StringCchPrintfW( buffer, cchBuf, L"%s", L"Hello, world!" );
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) {
// Failure: Determine specific reason.
switch ( hr ) {
// Buffer too small; increase buffer and retry.
// Invalid parameter; implement custom error handling (e.g. logging).
// Some other error code; implement custom error handling (e.g. logging).