The orderBy() method specifies the ORDER BY fragment of a SQL query.For example consider our employee table having fields emp_id, emp_first_name, emp_last_name and emp_salary.Suppose we need to order the result by increasing order of employee salaries.We can do it in sql as given below.
Select * from employee order by emp_salary
In yii2, we can build the query as given below
//creates a new \yii\db\Query() object
$query=new \yii\db\Query();
$rows= $query->from('employee')->orderBy([
'emp_salary' => SORT_ASC //specify sort order ASC for ascending DESC for descending
If we need to order the employees with their first name in ascending order and then their salaries in descending order, we can write it in plain sql as follows.
Select * from employee order by emp_first_name ASC, emp_salary DESC
The equivalent sql can be build using yii2 as follows
//creates a new \yii\db\Query() object
$query=new \yii\db\Query();
$rows= $query->from('employee')->orderBy([
'emp_first_name' => SORT_ASC
'emp_salary' => SORT_DESC
You can also specify ORDER BY using a string, just like you do when writing raw SQL statements. For example ,the above query can also be generated as given below.
//creates a new \yii\db\Query() object
$query=new \yii\db\Query();
$rows=$query->from('employee')->orderBy('emp_first_name ASC, emp_salary DESC')->all();
You can call addOrderBy() to add additional columns to the ORDER BY fragment. For example
//creates a new \yii\db\Query() object
$query=new \yii\db\Query();
$rows=$query->from('employee')->orderBy('emp_first_name ASC')
->addOrderBy('emp_salary DESC')->all();