First simple Example:
You have a ticket automat which gives exchange in coins with values 1, 2, 5, 10 and 20. The dispension of the exchange can be seen as a series of coin drops until the right value is dispensed. We say a dispension is optimal when its coin count is minimal for its value.
Let M
in [1,50]
be the price for the ticket T
and P
in [1,50]
the money somebody paid for T
, with P >= M
. Let D=P-M
. We define the benefit of a step as the difference between D
and D-c
with c
the coin the automat dispense in this step.
The Greedy Technique for the exchange is the following pseudo algorithmic approach:
Step 1: while D > 20
dispense a 20 coin and set D = D - 20
Step 2: while D > 10
dispense a 10 coin and set D = D - 10
Step 3: while D > 5
dispense a 5 coin and set D = D - 5
Step 4: while D > 2
dispense a 2 coin and set D = D - 2
Step 5: while D > 1
dispense a 1 coin and set D = D - 1
Afterwards the sum of all coins clearly equals D
. Its a greedy algorithm because after each step and after each repitition of a step the benefit is maximized. We cannot dispense another coin with a higher benefit.
Now the ticket automat as program (in C++):
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
// read some coin values, sort them descending,
// purge copies and guaratee the 1 coin is in it
std::vector<unsigned int> readInCoinValues();
int main()
std::vector<unsigned int> coinValues; // Array of coin values ascending
int ticketPrice; // M in example
int paidMoney; // P in example
// generate coin values
coinValues = readInCoinValues();
cout << "ticket price: ";
cin >> ticketPrice;
cout << "money paid: ";
cin >> paidMoney;
if(paidMoney <= ticketPrice)
cout << "No exchange money" << endl;
return 1;
int diffValue = paidMoney - ticketPrice;
// Here starts greedy
// we save how many coins we have to give out
std::vector<unsigned int> coinCount;
for(auto coinValue = coinValues.begin();
coinValue != coinValues.end(); ++coinValue)
int countCoins = 0;
while (diffValue >= *coinValue)
diffValue -= *coinValue;
// print out result
cout << "the difference " << paidMoney - ticketPrice
<< " is paid with: " << endl;
for(unsigned int i=0; i < coinValues.size(); ++i)
if(coinCount[i] > 0)
cout << coinCount[i] << " coins with value "
<< coinValues[i] << endl;
return 0;
std::vector<unsigned int> readInCoinValues()
// coin values
std::vector<unsigned int> coinValues;
// make sure 1 is in vectore
// read in coin values (attention: error handling is omitted)
int coinValue;
cout << "Coin value (<1 to stop): ";
cin >> coinValue;
if(coinValue > 0)
// sort values
sort(coinValues.begin(), coinValues.end(), std::greater<int>());
// erase copies of same value
auto last = std::unique(coinValues.begin(), coinValues.end());
coinValues.erase(last, coinValues.end());
// print array
cout << "Coin values: ";
for(auto i : coinValues)
cout << i << " ";
cout << endl;
return coinValues;
Be aware there is now input checking to keep the example simple. One example output:
Coin value (<1 to stop): 2
Coin value (<1 to stop): 4
Coin value (<1 to stop): 7
Coin value (<1 to stop): 9
Coin value (<1 to stop): 14
Coin value (<1 to stop): 4
Coin value (<1 to stop): 0
Coin values: 14 9 7 4 2 1
ticket price: 34
money paid: 67
the difference 33 is paid with:
2 coins with value 14
1 coins with value 4
1 coins with value 1
As long as 1
is in the coin values we now, that the algorithm will terminate, because:
strictly decreases with every stepD
is never >0
and smaller than than the smallest coin 1
at the same timeBut the algorithm has two pitfalls:
be the biggest coin value. The runtime is only polynomial as long as D/C
is polynomial, because the representation of D
uses only log D
bits and the runtime is at least linear in D/C
.A simple counter example: the coins are 1,3,4
and D=6
. The optimal solution is clearly two coins of value 3
but greedy chooses 4
in the first step so it has to choose 1
in step two and three. So it gives no optimal soution. A possible optimal Algorithm for this example is based on dynamic programming.