EntityFramewok Fluent API is a powerful and elegant way of mapping your code-first domain models to underlying database. This also can be used with code-first with existing database. You have two options when using Fluent API: you can directly map your models on OnModelCreating method or you can create mapper classes which inherits from EntityTypeConfiguration and then add that models to modelBuilder on OnModelCreating method. Second option is which I prefer and am going to show example of it.
public class Employee
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Surname { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public short Age { get; set; }
public decimal MonthlySalary { get; set; }
public string FullName
return $"{Surname} {FirstName} {LastName}";
public class EmployeeMap
: EntityTypeConfiguration<Employee>
public EmployeeMap()
// Primary key
this.HasKey(m => m.Id);
this.Property(m => m.Id)
// Properties
this.Property(m => m.Surname)
this.Property(m => m.FirstName)
this.Property(m => m.LastName)
this.Property(m => m.Age)
this.Property(m => m.MonthlySalary)
.HasPrecision(14, 5);
this.Ignore(m => m.FullName);
// Table & column mappings
this.ToTable("TABLE_NAME", "SCHEMA_NAME");
this.Property(m => m.Id).HasColumnName("ID");
this.Property(m => m.Surname).HasColumnName("SURNAME");
this.Property(m => m.FirstName).HasColumnName("FIRST_NAME");
this.Property(m => m.LastName).HasColumnName("LAST_NAME");
this.Property(m => m.Age).HasColumnName("AGE");
this.Property(m => m.MonthlySalary).HasColumnName("MONTHLY_SALARY");
Let us explain mappings:
We need to tell EntityFramework to use our mapper class. To do so, we have to add it to modelBuilder.Configurations on OnModelCreating method:
public class DbContext()
: base("Name=DbContext")
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
modelBuilder.Configurations.Add(new EmployeeMap());
And that is it. We are all set to go.