Tutorial by Examples

In Production its good practice to secure your data and only allow operations on it to be undertaken via Stored Procedures. This means your application can't directly run CRUD operations on your data and potentially cause problems. Assigning permissions is a time-consuming, fiddly and generally oner...
Let's say, you have already created a segment tree. You are required to update the values of the array, this will not only change the leaf nodes of your segment tree, but also the minimum/maximum in some nodes. Let's look at this with an example: This is our minimum segment tree of 8 elements. To...
XmlView: <mvc:View controllerName="sap.m.sample.ListCounter.List" xmlns:mvc="sap.ui.core.mvc" xmlns="sap.m"> <List headerText="Products" items="{products>/Products}"> <!-- Template of ...
What is tidyverse? tidyverse is the fast and elegant way to turn basic R into an enhanced tool, redesigned by Hadley/Rstudio. The development of all packages included in tidyverse follow the principle rules of The tidy tools manifesto. But first, let the authors describe their masterpiece: The t...
In normal mode: gg go to top = then G
In normal mode: gg go to top = then G
Full list of options: ls -a list all files including hidden file starting with '.' ls --color colored list [=always/never/auto] ls -d list directories - with ' */' ls -F add one char of */=>@| to enteries ls -i list file's inode index number ls -l list with long form...
To update a specific program: sudo pacman -S <programName> To update entire the system: sudo pacman -Syu
Customer Table IdFirstNameLastName1OzgurOzturk2YoussefMedi3HenryTai Order Table IdCustomerIdAmount12123.502314.80 Get all customers with a least one order SELECT * FROM Customer WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM Order WHERE Order.CustomerId=Customer.Id ) Result IdFirstNameLastName2YoussefM...
New repository can be created with two different options: 1. Using command line Execute following command. It will create a directory for the repository, but parent path has to be present. i.e. in the following example, /var/svn should already be there, while it will create my_repository directory...
This is just a small hack for those who use self-defined functions often. Type "fun" RStudio IDE and hit TAB. The result will be a skeleton of a new function. name <- function(variables) { } One can easily define their own snippet template, i.e. like the one below ...
Redis has a Windows port provided by 'Microsoft Open Technologies'. You can use the msi installer found on: https://github.com/MSOpenTech/redis/releases After installation completes you can see 'Redis' is a Windows service (and it's status should be "Started") To write an 'Hello world'...
Scatterplot You have two vectors and you want to plot them. x_values <- rnorm(n = 20 , mean = 5 , sd = 8) #20 values generated from Normal(5,8) y_values <- rbeta(n = 20 , shape1 = 500 , shape2 = 10) #20 values generated from Beta(500,10) If you want to make a plot which has the y_val...
If you want to use the shorthand you can make use of conditional logic with the following shorthand. Only the string 'false' will evaluate to true (2.0). #Done in Powershell 2.0 $boolean = $false; $string = "false"; $emptyString = ""; If($boolean){ # this does not ru...
Below there is the implementation in Java using a generics approach. It is the same algorithm, which is presented above. public interface InPlaceSort<T extends Comparable<T>> { void sort(final T[] elements); } public class MergeSort < T extends Comparable < T >> implem...
Detailed instructions on getting esp8266 set up or installed.
Detailed instructions on getting android-source set up or installed.
Bootstrap Model already comes with the bootstrap.min.js But to make it more simpler and more easy to execute We will need to follow steps below. Installation : - Just add below css and JS to your html page. <link href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/bootstrap3-dialog/1.34.7/css/bo...
Detailed instructions on getting calendar set up or installed.
CORS (Cross-origin resource sharing) happens when the JavaScript makes a cross-domain XHR (XMLHttpRequest) call. On Wikipedia stands this image that gives more information about the workflow of CORS. More information about CORS can be found on the Mozilla Developer Network.

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