Tutorial by Examples: and

FreeBSD jails can have fine grained networking configuration. By default, every jails use the same network configuration than host. Removing network support jail -c name="nonetwork" path="/path/to/your/jail" ip4=disable ip6=disable Allowing only IPv4 networking jail -c name...
Command Structure is sqlcmd -S yourservername\instancename -d database_name -o outputfilename_withpath -Q "your select query" Switches are as follows -S for servername and instance name -d for source database -o for target outputfile (it will create output file) -Q fo...
When nothing matches a wildcard such as * in bash, it gets passed on as a literal * to the command, as if you had typed \*. However, zsh throws an error. Bash: duncan@K7DXS-Laptop-Arch:~/test$ echo *.txt *.txt duncan@K7DXS-Laptop-Arch:~/test$ touch abc.txt duncan@K7DXS-Laptop-Arch:~/test$ echo...
You can set a variable to something with the eval() function by using something similar to the below code: var x = 10; var y = 20; var a = eval("x * y") + "<br>"; var b = eval("2 + 2") + "<br>"; var c = eval("x + 17") + "<br&...
index.html <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src *; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' *; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' *"/> ...
Step 1: Go to root directory of project and open command line prompt cordova build --release android This generates an unsigned apk under \platforms\android\build\outputs\apk with the name android-release-unsigned.apk Step 2: Key generation for obtaining signed apk Syntax: keytool -genkey ...
By definition: Services are basically constructor functions. They use ‘this’ keyword. Factories are simple functions hence return an object. Under the hood: Factories internally calls provider function. Services internally calls Factory function. Debate: Factories can run code before we retur...
0.6.0-dev In Julia v0.6 and later, command macros are supported in addition to regular string macros. A command macro invocation like mymacro`xyz` gets parsed as the macro call @mymacro_cmd "xyz" Note that this is similar to string macros, except with _cmd instead of _str. We typ...
Prolog features exceptions, which are part of the Prolog ISO standard. An exception can be thrown with throw/1, and caught with catch/3. The ISO standard defines many cases in which errors must or may be thrown. The standardized exceptions are all of the form error(E,_), where E indicates the erro...
A type error occurs if an argument is not of the expected type. Examples of types are: integer atom list. If the predicate is of the expected type, but outside the expected domain, then a domain error is raised. For example, a domain error is admissible if an integer between 0 and 15 is exp...
public void Screenshot() throws Throwable{ final byte[] screenshot = ((TakesScreenshot) driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.BYTES); scenario.embed(screenshot, "image/png"); // ... and embed it in the report. Thread.sleep(1000); } Alternately public static void captureSc...
Frontend Interface /** * Entity attribute frontend interface * * Frontend is providing the user interface for the attribute * */ interface Mage_Eav_Model_Entity_Attribute_Frontend_Interface { } Source Interface /** * Entity attribute select source interface * * Source is providing ...
This is literally the only thing you need to start using RxJava on Android. Include RxJava and RxAndroid in your gradle dependencies: // use the last version compile 'io.reactivex.rxjava2:rxjava:2.1.1' compile 'io.reactivex.rxjava2:rxandroid:2.0.1' RxAndroid main addition to RxJava is a Sche...
Decision boundary when we classify using logistic regression- Decision boundary when we classify using SVM- As it can be observed, SVM tries to maintain a 'gap' on either side of the decision boundary. This proves helpful when we encounter new data. With new data- Logistic regression perform...
Assuming we have the following function: function foo(tab) return tab.a end -- Script execution errors out w/ a stacktrace when tab is not a table Let's improve it a bit function foo(tab) if type(tab) ~= "table" then error("Argument 1 is not a table!", 2) end ...
Set this attribute in your manifest's or element to enable or disable multi-window display: android:resizeableActivity=["true" | "false"] If this attribute is set to true, the activity can be launched in split-screen and freeform modes. If the attribute is set to false, the...
Usage to list all folders and files in the current directory: dir A target directory can also be specified: dir C:\TargetPath When specifying a path with spaces, it must be surrounded by quotes: dir "C:\Path With Spaces"
Options are used for adding capabilities such as "User-Agent". Example in C#: var options = new PhantomJSOptions(); options.AddAdditionalCapability("phantomjs.page.settings.userAgent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:25.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/25.0&qu...
Simple The Simple Products type should be used for that generally have a single configuration (one-size-fits-all). This might include items such as: A Box of Crayons, Small (24 Colors) A Box of Crayons, Large (64 Colors) SuperHighTech 26” HD Computer Monitor Barrack Obama Action Figure (6”) ...

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